Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2019-2020

1. Adverb clauses of concession 
2. Defining and non- defining relative clauses 
1. Getting started (Trang 83 SGK Tiếng Anh 9) 
Look at the pictures of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Ask and answer with a partner.  
a) Have you ever heard about UFOs? Do you think they really exist?  
=> Yes, I have heard a lot about UFOs. They are spacecrafts from other planets. I think they really exist. 
b) Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? What were they about?  
=> Yes, I have. They were about some aliens who wanted to attack the earth. 
c) What do you want to know about UFOs?  
=> I want to know what UFOs affect our life on earth. 
d) It you saw a UFO, what would you do?  
=> If I saw a UFO, I would take photos of them or put them on camera.
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Nội dung text: Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2019-2020

  1. NỘI DUNG KIẾN THỨC – KỸ NĂNG - MÔN: ANH 9 TUẦN 30 (Từ ngày 20/4/2020 đến ngày 25/04/2020) PART I: THEME 6: THE WORLD AROUND US UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE PLANETS Getting started & Listen and read, Read  Vocabulary: - Review the vocabulary in units 8 and 9 - Unit 10: - UFOs = Unidentified Flying Objects : vật thể bay không xác định - spacecraft /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ (n) : tàu vũ trụ - planet /ˈplænɪt/ (n) : hành tinh - believe /bɪˈliːv/ (v) : tin, tin tưởng - aircraft /ˈeəkrɑːft/(n) : máy bay - balloon /bəˈluːn/ (n) : khinh khí cầu - meteor /ˈmiːtiə(r)/ (n) : sao băng - evidence/ˈevɪdəns/ (n) : bằng chứng - exist /ɪɡˈzɪst/ (v) : tồn tại + existence /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/(n) : sự tồn tại - experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/(n) : kinh nghiệm - pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ (n) : phi hành gia - alien /ˈeɪliən/ (n) : người lạ - claim /kleɪm/ (v) : nhận là, cho là - egg-shaped (a) : có hình quả trứng - sample /ˈsɑːmpl/ (n) : vật mẫu - capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ (v) : bắt giữ - aboard (adv) : trên tàu, thuyền, máy bay - examine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ (v) : điều tra - free /friː/ (v) : giải thoát - disappear /dɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ (v) : biến mất + disappearance /dɪsəˈpɪərəns/ (n) : sự biến mất - plate-like (a) : giống cái dĩa - device /dɪˈvaɪs/ (n) : thiết bị - treetop (n) : ngọn cây - proof /pruːf/ = support (n) : bằng chứng - falling star = shooting star (n) : sao băng - hole /həʊl/ (n) : cái lỗ - jump /dʒʌmp/ (v) : nhảy - space /speɪs/ (n) : không gian - physical condition (n) : điều kiện thể chất - perfect /ˈpɜːfɪkt/ (a) : hoàn hảo - orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ (v) : bay quanh quỹ đạo - cabin /ˈkæbɪn/ (n) : buồng lái
  2. - marvelous /ˈmɑːvələs/ (a) : kỳ diệu  Grammar: 1. Adverb clauses of concession 2. Defining and non- defining relative clauses 1. Getting started (Trang 83 SGK Tiếng Anh 9) Look at the pictures of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Ask and answer with a partner. a) Have you ever heard about UFOs? Do you think they really exist? => Yes, I have heard a lot about UFOs. They are spacecrafts from other planets. I think they really exist. b) Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? What were they about? => Yes, I have. They were about some aliens who wanted to attack the earth. c) What do you want to know about UFOs? => I want to know what UFOs affect our life on earth. d) It you saw a UFO, what would you do? => If I saw a UFO, I would take photos of them or put them on camera. 2. Listen and read (Trang 83-84 SGK Tiếng Anh 9) a. Find the words in the text having the following meanings. 1. proof, support = evidence 2. falling star, or shooting star = meteor 3. unknown/strange people or things = aliens 4. bringing together or gathering = collecting 5. caught as a prisoner = captured 6. became impossible to see = disappeared b. Complete the notes. UFO Sightings a. An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor can be mistaken for an alien spacecraft. b. In 1947, a pilot saw nine large round objects travelling at about 2,800 meters an hour. c. There were over 1,500 UFO sightings worldwide in 1952. d. In 1954, a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house. e. A farmer saw an egg-shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964. f. In 1971, two men claimed that they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft. g. A pilot and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO in 1978. h. In 1981, a Frenchman reported that he saw a plate - like device at a tree- top 30 meters away from his garden.  Bài tập ứng dụng: SAMPLE TEST 1
  3. I/ Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank in each sentence (2.5 pts) 1. Thank you for your donation. It was very generous ___ you. A. in B. at C. since D. of 2. The story about ___ you told me was incredible. A. that B. which C. whom D. who 3. “What a great drawing, Tom!” - ___ . A. Well done! B. Thanks. I’m glad you like it. C. Never mind. D. Don’t mention it. 4. His sense of ___ distinguishes him from others. A. freedom B. humor C. compliment D. nomination 5. Chocolate and sugar eggs are what children receive at ___. A. Easter B. Halloween C. Christmas D. Passover 6. A funnel-shaped storm passing overland below a understorm is called ___. A. tsunami B. typhoon C. tornado D. earthquake 7. “Why not replace those machines?” - ___ . A. No, please. B. Thanks a lot. C. You’re welcome. D. Not a bad idea. 8. We’re going to lose the game ___ our team doesn’t start playing better soon. A. unless B. although C. but D. A and C are correct. 9. The hurricane is ___ to reach the coast tomorrow morning. A. called B. predicted C. made D. waited 10. That was the most ___ earthquake in Japanese history. A. impressive B. abrupt C. disastrous D. satisfactory II/ What do the following signs mean? Choose the most correct answer (A, B, C or D) (0,5pt) 11. A. Eating and drinking is not allowed here. B. Food and drinks are available here. C. You can buy food and drinks here. D. Everybody must leave food and drinks here. 12. A. Garbage of all kinds can be put here. B. Waste materials can be used to make glass. C. Trash of all kinds cannot be put here except glass. D. Glass cannot be put here. III. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (2.0 pts) 13. The ___ of their house left them no place to live. (destroy) 14. They have just put up many colorful ___ on the Christmas tree. (decorate)
  4. 15. They sang Auld Lang Syne ___. (joy) 16. Passover is ___in Israel and by all Jewish people. (celebrate) 17. The book is full of ___ passages. (describe) 18. Thousands of people were ___ killed in that evening. (disaster) 19. I have difficulty in ___ these similar sounds. (distinguish) 20. The mountain was full of ___ rock and ash when the eruption was over. (volcano) IV/ Rewrite each following sentence so that the meaning stay the same (2pts) 21. The boys were very polite. We asked them for directions yesterday. The boys ___ 22. We have just nominated Mike as the class leader. Mike ___ 23. Paul is the most intelligent boy in the class.  No one else ___ 24. The student could get to school on time although the traffic was awful. In spite of ___ Arrange these words into correct order (0.5pt) 25. early/ occurs/ Tet/ in/ or/ is / a festival/ late January/ February/ which  ___ 26. shaking/ the/ a sudden / ground/ earthquake/ is/ of/ strong  ___ IV/ Read the passage and choose the best answers (1.5pt) On December 26, 2004, huge tsunamis (tidal waves) attacked some islands in the Indian Ocean. The tsunamis originated from an (27)___ near the Simeulue island in Indonesia. They then spread to Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Maldives, India, Sri Lanka and East Africa. The waves reached 30-meter (28)___ and were so strong that they devastated everything on the beaches and killed many people. Because it was Christmas then, a lot of tourists were on vacation on the seaside and (29)___ killed by the disaster. It was reported that about 300,000 people died in the disaster and 1,124,655 people were (30)___. It was one of the deadliest disasters in (31)___ history. Centers are being built to forecast disasters in the Pacific and Indian Ocean in order to prevent people (32)___ being killed by natural disasters. 27. A. acquaintance B. appliance C. earthquake D. abruptness 28. A. width B. height C. depth D. length
  5. 29. A. is B. are C. was D. were 30. A. homeless B. homesick C. household D. housework 31. A. ancient B. late C. extensive D. modern 32. A. by B. for C. from D. of V/ Read the passage carefully and check TRUE or FALSE (1,0 pt) Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain. Celebrations start properly on December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drinks, and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and angel on the top. Family presents are usually put under the tree. Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christmas morning (often very early), children open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Before the dinner people usually pull crackers – small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party hats inside. 33. People usually decorate the Christmas tree several weeks before Christmas. ___ 34. The most important day of the holiday is on December 25th (Christmas Day). ___ 35. Traditionally, there is roast turkey, tomatoes and various other vegetables for ___ dinner at Christmas. 36. Crackers are Christmas cards that have already been sent to friends and relations. ___ SAMPLE TEST 2 I/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (3.0pts) 1. Tet is a festival which ___ in late January or early February. A. holds B. celebrates C. decorates D. occurs 2. In Australia, a tropical storm is known as a ___. A. hurricane B. tornado C. cyclone D. typhoon 3. Passover is celebrated by ___ people. A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. Jewish 4. Auld Lang Syne is a song ___ is sung on New Year’s Eve. A. when B. which C. where D. it 5. ___ old age, he goes jogging every day. A. Despite B. In spite C. Although D. However 6. He has already been ___ as a candidate. A. called B. remembered C. said D. nominated
  6. 7. Don’t forget ___ along a raincoat. A. bring B. to bring C. brought D. to bringing 8. Most earthquakes occur ___ the Pacific Rim. A. along B. around C. through D. over 9. His sense of humor distinguishes him ___ others. A. among B. between C. from D. with 10. “I suggest going to the seaside on the weekend.” – “___.” A. That’s a reason B. That’s a trip C. That’s a fine day D. That’s a good idea II/ What do the following signs mean? Choose the most correct answer (A, B, C or D) (0,5pt) 11. What does the sign mean? A. No going straight . B. One way street. C. No turning on both sides. D. No parking on even days 12. The picture says: A. No turning left. B. No parking on the left C. Parking on the right only D. For passengers on the right. III. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (2.0 pts) 13. His ___ is always his family. (prior) 14. We think that Mother’s Day should be celebrated ___. (nation) 15. These hills were formed by ___ eruption. (volcano) 16. Thousands of people were ___ killed in that morning. (disaster) 17. ___ on your exam results! (Congratulate) 18. She is always polite and ___ towards her employees. (consider) 19. Many ___ say that is the best method to adopt. (science) 20. This volcano has ___ five times during the last twenty years. (eruption) IV/ Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stays the same: (2.0pts) 21. The man is my form-teacher. He is wearing a white shirt. The man ___ 22. He ate a lot of food. He wasn’t very hungry. Although ___
  7. 23. “Happy New Year” is always sung on New Year’s Day. The song ___ 24. We’re surprised at this boy’s intelligent replies. We’re surprised that ___ Arrange these words into correct order (0.5pt) 25. try / at Tet / live apart / Family members / who / together / to be /. ___ 26. you are / writing / to tell / missed and loved / you / how much / I am / this /. ___ IV/ Read the passage and choose the best answers (1.5 pt) Thuy’s grandma likes watching the weather (27)___ on TV. The weather in Ha Noi is often mild. The (28)___ in Ha Noi are often between 26C and 30C. However, they are much lower between December and February. Ho Chi Minh City often (29)___ higher temperatures than Ha Noi and Hue. Thunderstorms, (30)___ lightning and heavy rains, often take place along the south-central coast or over the central highlands. The Cuu Long Delta experiences sunny weather almost all the year around. (31)___, in this area, there are sometimes heavy rains and floods (32)___ cause a lot of damage to the crops. 27. A. bureau B. forecast C. foresee D. station 28. A. news B. places C. weathers D. temperatures 29. A. have B. expect C. experiences D. happens 30. A. both B. for C. have D. with 31. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Despite 32. A. it B. they C. that D. to V/ Read the passage carefully and check TRUE or FALSE (1,0 pt) Daddy, I am writing this to tell you how much you are missed and loved. I will always remember that day - my wedding day. You were standing there with tears in your eyes while I was walking towards my groom. You gave me a hug, and the feeling that you never wanted to let me go. But at last I had to leave you and start my new life a moment in time that lasted forever. I now have children, Dad, but I will always be your little girl! Happy Father's Day. 33. This is a letter written by a daughter to her father. ___ 34. The father in the letter is loved much. ___ 35. The man did not let his daughter go at last. ___ 36. The writer of this letter hasn't got any children. ___ PART II: Câu hỏi chuẩn bị nội dung tuần 31 - Ôn tập từ vựng và ngữ pháp từ Units 6-10.