Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Quách Văn Phẩm

Phong: Wow! We’re in Hoi An. I’m so excited!

Nick:    Me too.

Khang: Yes. It’s so historic !

Phong:  So, where shall we go first?

Nick:    Let’s go to “Chua Cau”.

Phong: Well, the map says Tan Ky House is nearer.

            Shall we go there first?

Nick & Phong: Ok, sure

Phong: Shall we go by bicycle ?

Nick:    No, let’s walk there.

Phong: Hmm, Ok. First cross the road, turn right

             and then go straight.

Nick:   Ok, let’s go.

Phong: Wait.

Khang: What’s up, Phong?

Phong: Where are we now? I think we’re lost!

Nick:   Oh no! Look, there’s a girl. Let’s ask her.

Phong: Excuse me? We’re lost! Can you tell us the way to Tan Ky House?

Girl:     Tan Ky House? Keep straight, then turn right. But it’s quicker to turn right here,

            then turn left.

Phong: Thank you so much.

Girl:     My pleasure.

Phong: Nick, let’s hurry.

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_4_my_neighbourhood_lesson_1_g.ppt

Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Quách Văn Phẩm

  1. Vocabulary: - Historic (adj) = cổ, cổ kính - Cross the road = băng qua đường - Turn right / left = rẽ phải / trái - Go / keep straight = đi thẳng - Lost (adj) = lạc, thất lạc
  3. Tan Ky House
  4. Phong, Nick, Khang are in Hoi An
  5. 1. Listen and read. Phong: Wow! We’re in Hoi An. I’m so excited! Nick: Me too. Khang: Yes. It’s so historic ! Phong: So, where shall we go first? Nick: Let’s go to “Chua Cau”. Phong: Well, the map says Tan Ky House is nearer. Shall we go there first? Nick & Phong: Ok, sure Phong: Shall we go by bicycle ? Nick: No, let’s walk there. Phong: Hmm, Ok. First cross the road, turn right and then go straight. Nick: Ok, let’s go. Phong: Wait. Khang: What’s up, Phong? Phong: Where are we now? I think we’re lost! Nick: Oh no! Look, there’s a girl. Let’s ask her. Phong: Excuse me? We’re lost! Can you tell us the way to Tan Ky House? Girl: Tan Ky House? Keep straight, then turn right. But it’s quicker to turn right here, then turn left. Phong: Thank you so much. Girl: My pleasure. Phong: Nick, let’s hurry.
  6. 1.a. Read and put the actions in order 1. The girl gives directions. 2. Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An. 3. Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House. 4. Nick, Khang and Phong get lost. 5. Phong looks at the map. 6. Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House. 1. Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An. 2. Phong looks at the map. 3. Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House. 4. Nick, Khang and Phong get lost. 5. The girl gives directions. 6. Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House.
  7. 1b. Making suggestions. * Put the words in the correct order 1. a. we / shall / go / Where / first / ? Where shall we go first? b. to “Chua Cau” / go / let’s / . Let’s go to “Chua Cau” 2. a. we / Shall / go / there / first / ? Shall we go there first? b. sure / OK, / . OK, sure. 3. a. by bicycle / we / Shall / go / ? Shall we go by bicycle? b. let’s walk / No , / there / . No, let’s walk there.
  8. GRAMMAR: * Shall we + V ? +) Ok, sure -) No, let’s + V . * Let’s + V .
  9. 22.Work in pairs. Role- play making suggestions . Example: A: What shall we do this afternoon? B : Shall we play football? A : Oh, sure. * * * A : What shall we do this evening? . B : Shall we go to the cinema? A : No, let’s go out and have an ice cream.
  10. 3, Match the place Then listen , check and repeat the words A. statue B. railway station C. memorial D. temple E. square F. cathedral G. art gallery H. palace 1 3 4 7 C. memorial B. railway station E. square 6 F. cathedral 2 5 8 H. palace G. art gallery A. statue D. temple
  11. 4. Think about where you live. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about it. Example: A : Is there a theatre in your neighbourhood ? B : Yes, there is./ No there isn’t
  12. 5. Match the instructions 1 2 DIRECTIONS: Turn left at the traffic lights Go along the street Go straight on Go to the end of the road Go straight on Turn left at the traffic lights Take the first turning on the left Go past the bus stop 3 4 Cross the street 5 6 Go past the bus stop 7 Take the first turning on the left Go to the end Go along the street of the road Cross the street
  13. 6. Give your partner directions to one of the places of the map
  14. Do the exercises again. Be ready for A closer Look 1