Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 1 đến 8 - Trường THCS Phan Ngọc Hiển



1. Knowledge

-Vocabulary: the items related to the school. Sounds: /∂ʊand /ʌ/

- Grammar note: The present simple and the present continuous tense.

2. Skills

  • Listening: listening to get information about school activities/ what students do at school.
  •  Speaking: Talking about and describing a school and school activities.
  •  Reading: Reading for specific information about school. Reading e-mails and webpages.
  •  Writing: Punctuation. Writing a webpage for your school.

3. Attitude:

Educate students: hard, concentrated andactive.

4. Abilities:

  • Self – learning capability
  • Communicative competence


1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan, cassette tape …..

2. Students: notebooks, textbooks and school objects,




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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 1 đến 8 - Trường THCS Phan Ngọc Hiển

  1. Week: 1 Period: 1 INTRODUCE HOW TO STUDY ENGLISH I. THE AIMS: 1. Knowledge: -Vocabulary: old words, abbreviations in English - Grammar note: Review the main knowledge in grade 5 2. Skills Listening, speaking and writing. 3. Attitude: Educate students: hard, concentrated andactive. 4. Abilities: - Self – learning capability - Communicative competence II. PREPARATION. 1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan, cassette tape 2. Students: notebooks, textbooks and school objects, III. THE ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS’ STUDYING ACTIVITIES. Contents Activities of teacher and students 1. Warm up: (3’) Greetings. 2. Knowlege formation activity: T: guide and explain about Activity 1: Abbreviations: (10’) abbreviations in English. Aim: Ss can understand abbreviations in Ss: listen and copy down. English. T: read Noun : n Ss: listen and repeat Adjective : adj T: call sts to read Adverb : adv Ss: read Verb : v Preposition : prep Corrects the mistakes Subject : s Object : o Activity 2: Tobe: am, is, are (10’) T: guide and explain about personal Aim: Ss can know how to use the personal pronouns. pronouns Ss: listen and copy down Personal pronouns : T: read I  am Ss: listen and repeat He T: call Ss to read She is Ss: read It Corrects the mistakes You They are We 1
  2. Activity 3: Introduce about English 6. (20’) Aim: Ss can knowthe number of periods per T: Introduce English 6 curriculum unit in English 6 curriculum. T: Introduce some effective methods of Sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 6 được thiết kế với learning English kênh hình và kênh tiếng phong phú. Mỗi đơn T: Give advice vị bài học được chia thành 7 phần thích hợp - English is not too difficult but it cho việc rèn luyện các kỹ năng nghe, nói, đọc, requires your working hard. viết, ngữ pháp, ngữ âm và từ vựng. - Focusing on vocabulary you come across. Write sentence with the new -Phần 1: Getting started: Giới thiệu từ vựng và words to understand more nội dung bài học. - Review the lesson everyday. -Phần 2: A closer look 1: Luyện từ vựng và - Practise English everyday ngữ âm. T: Ask Ss to share in pairs -Phần 3: A closer look 2: Học ngữ pháp and then in front of the whole class -Phần 4: Communication: Thực hành nói tiếng Anh. Ss: listen and note -Phần 5: Skills 1: Luyện kỹ năng đọc, nói -Phần 6: Skills 2: Luyện kỹ năng viết, nghe. -Phần 7: Looking back&Project: Luyện tập, củng cố các kiến thức đã học. 3. Search and extension activities: (2’) Prepare Unit 1: Getting started IV. EXPERIENCES: . 2
  3. Week: 1,2,3 Period: 2-8 UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL I. THE AIMS: 1. Knowledge: -Vocabulary: the items related to the school. Sounds: /∂ʊ/ and /ʌ/ - Grammar note: The present simple and the present continuous tense. 2. Skills - Listening: listening to get information about school activities/ what students do at school. - Speaking: Talking about and describing a school and school activities. - Reading: Reading for specific information about school. Reading e-mails and webpages. - Writing: Punctuation. Writing a webpage for your school. 3. Attitude: Educate students: hard, concentrated andactive. 4. Abilities: - Self – learning capability - Communicative competence II. PREPARATION. 1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan, cassette tape 2. Students: notebooks, textbooks and school objects, III. THE ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS’ STUDYING ACTIVITIES. Period 2: GETTING STARTED Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (3’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. T: Ask Ss questions about the picture. + What is Phong doing? Ss: Guess what the picture might show + Who are Vy and Phong? or what the conversation might be about + Why is it a special day? and answer 2. Knowlege formation activity: Activity 1:.Listen andread(18’) Aim:Ss can learn the new words and grammar note in the textto understand the content of the lesson. T: Guess and explain some words by * Vocabulary: real things - knock (v) Ss: Listen and give the meaning of the - uniform (n) word. - calculator (n) * Grammar: T: Explain and give the examples - The present simple and the present Ss: Note continuous S + V(s,es) + O 3
  4. Period 3: A CLOSER LOOK 1 Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (3’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. T: - Ask students to name some subjects they learn. Subjects: Math, music, English, Ss: - Whole class 2. Knowlege formation activity: Activity 1: Vocabulary (20’) Aim:Help Ss to remember the words. T: guides and explain the words * Vocabulary: (New words) Ss: copy down then repeat again. - physic (n) - lesson (n) - judo (n) - science (n) (1): Listen and repeat the words T: Ask Ss to talk about the subjects physics exercise English Ss: Talk vocabulary history football T: Correct the mistakes and then homework lessons judo music explain schoollunch science T: tearnthe cassette player on Ss: listen and repeat (2):Work in pairs. Put the words in 1 into groups. T: - Ask Ss to put the words in 1 Key: into groups. Play: football, music - Explain to Ss which words go Do: homework, judo, exercise with eachverb. Have: school lunch, lessons Physics, English, Ss: do Study: history, vocabulary,science. T: Ask Ss to write on the board,then check their answers. (3): Put one of these words in eachblank. Ss: Write 1.Homework Correct the mistakes 2.Football 3.Lessons T: ask Ss to play the 4.Judo recordingtwice. 5.Science - Let Ss check their answers ingroups. (4): Write sentences about yourself usingthe - Call some Ss to write their combinationsabove. answers on theboard. Example: Ss: write on the board I/We have English lessons on Tuesday and Correct themistakes. Thursday. T: Ask Ss to write sentences about Activity 2: Pronunciation(20’) themselves in their notebooks,using /∂ʊ/ and/ʌ / the combinationsabove. Aim:Help Ss to pronounce /∂ʊ/ and/ʌ/exactly P: write then read and fluently. 5
  5. * Pronunciation: /∂ʊ/ and/ʌ/ Feedback Ex: /∂ʊ/: post rode home open T: Guide and explain about /ʌ/ : fun lunch brother Monday pronunciation /∂ʊ/ and / ʌ / Ask Ss to practice the sounds /∂ʊ/ (6)Listen to the words and put them intotwo and / ʌ/ . Play the recording and ask groups. Ss to listen and repeat. /∂ʊ / / ʌ/ Play it again and pause for Ss to rode some repeat each word. don’t Monday Correct their pronunciation hope month homework come post one T: guide and explain the lesson then (7) Listen and repeat. Underline the sounds ask Ss to play the recordingtwice. /∂ʊ/and/ ʌ/youhear. - Help them to recognize 1. They are going to open a newlibrary. twosounds. 2. I’m coming home fromschool. 3. His brother eats lunch in the school canteen. 4. The new school year starts nextmonth. 5. My brother is doing hishomework. 6. He goes to the judo club everySunday. 3. Search and extension activities: (2’) Aim: Help Ss prepare the lesson at home T: Ask Ss to underline them in the carefully. sentences. * Homework: Ss: Listen then underline the - Learn vocabulary byheart. sounds. - Prepare next lesson Correct the mistakes (A closer look 2) - T gives the recommendations. - Ss listen and remember. IV. EXPERIENCES: 6
  6. Period 4: A CLOSER LOOK 2 Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (3’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. T: Guide and ask Ss to play - Have Ss to play a game – Group work Ss: play Naught and Crosse: Correct the mistakes play like read listen do visit make watch cook Ex: She often plays chess after school. 2. Knowlege formation activity: Activity 1: The present simple. (20’) Aim: Help Ss to understand and know how - Ask Ss to give the rule and use of to use the present simple tense to do the thepresent simple themselves. homework. - Let them study the grammarbox. The present simple - Give more examples ifnecessary. S + V(s,es) + O S + do/does + not + V + O - Have Ss study the examplefirst. Do/ Does + S + V + O? - Ask Ss to give the correct form * Note: He, she, it, (1) - V(s,es)/ does ofthe verbs. I, you, we, they, - V/ do - Ask Ss to say why to use the - V(s,sh,ch,x,o,z →es tensein eachsentence. . - Ask Ss to write the correct Ex: We watch TV every evening. tenseof theverbs. He watches TV every morning. - Ask Ss to discuss any (1): Write the correct form of the verbs. commonerrors and provide further 1. has 2. Do youhave 3.Love practice if necessary. 4. Does Vy walk 5.Ride 6. Teaches Ss: 7. doesn’tplay 8. Reads 9. Go 10. Do (2): Correct the sentences according to the T: ask Ss do the task individually. information in 1 above. T: correct their answers (and may call 1. Duy lives near here. on some Ss to say their answers 2. Duy likes/loves his new school. separately). 3. Vy and Duy ride to school. T: give explanation if necessary. 4. Mr Quang teaches Duy English. Ss: do 5. At break time, Phong reads in the library. Correct the mistakes (3): Work in pairs. Key: 1. Do you ride your bicycle to school? 2. Do you read in the library at break time? 3. Do you like your new school? 4. Do your friends go to school with you? 5. Do you do your homework after school? 7
  7. Activity 2:The present continuous. (20’) T: Guide and explain the grammar Aim: Help Ss to understand and know how to Ss: listen and copy down. use the present progressive tense to do the homework. Form: S + be + Ving + . S + be + not + Ving T: explain and ask Ss to do at home. Be + S + Ving . ? Ss: Note (4): Listen to past of the conversation 1. am not playing 4. Am having T: Ask Ss to say the differences 2. are studying 5. Are riding between the two tenses, then T 3. aren’t doing explains to them: Something often happens or is fixed: the present (5):Complete the sentences with thecorrect simple Something is happening now: form of the verbs. the present continuous 1. am not playing 2. Are studying Ss: do and explain 3. aren’t doing 4. Am having Correct the mistakes 5. are riding T: Ask Ss to do the task by themselves or in pairs. T corrects their mistakes (asks why (6):Choose the correct tense of the verbs they use the present simple or the 1. are having 2. Wears 3. Starts present continuous, focusing on the 4. is watching 5. Are skipping context of the sentences such as use of adverbs of time: now, on Monday (7):Read Vy’s e-mail to her friend. and Saturday , or the command: a. Underline things that often happen orare Look! ) fixed. Then underline things that are Ss: work in pairs and then explain. happening now. Correct the mistakes b.Compare Vy’s first week withyours. Ex: T: guide and explain. Then ask Ss to Both Vy and I are having an interesting first do week. Ss: do I wear my uniform every day, but Vy wears her Correct the mistakes. uniform only on Mondays and Saturday. 3. Search and extension activities: (2’) - Learn new words by heart - Do exercises - T gives the recommendations. Prepare next lesson: Unit 1. Communication - Ss listen and remember IV. EXPERIENCES: 8
  8. Period 5: COMMUNICATION Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (2’) - Ask Ss how they often make friends, Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. what they often say when they first Ex: P1: Hello! What’s your name?/ How old meet a new friends, what questions are you?/ Where do you live? they often ask, etc. P2: My name’s . Answer 2. Knowlege formation activity: Activity 1: Game: Making friend. (18’) Aim: Ss work in pairs, Ss will be able to ask and answer together New words: - T: Have Ss guess the meaning of - pocket money (n) tiền túi, tiền riêng the vocabulary. - remember (v) nhớ, ghi nhớ - T: Tell Ss that this vocabulary will - share (n/v) chia sẻ appear in the task that follow. - help (v) giúp đỡ - Ss: Group-work - classmate (n) bạn cùng lớp Read and tick the questions you think are suitable to ask a new friends at school. Ex: Do you listen to music after school? How often do you listen to music? - T: ask Ss to read and tick the questions. Then T lets them discuss in groups. T may ask why or why not Activity 2: There is a quiz for students in the they ticked this or that question. new school newsletter. Read the questions. - T: Allow Ss some time to write (20’) questions on a piece of paper, share Aim: Help Ss take turns to interview the them with the class or group others. - Ss: write Example: Correct the mistakes - Friendly - Generous - T: Ask Ss to give the qualities of a - Helpful good friend in class (adjectives). - Cheerful - Humorous - Kind Ss: They can give as many - Reserved words as possible. - Example: “Friends are forever” - T: divide class into groups of 4 or 5. Ss take turns to interview the other 3. Applying activity: (4’) members, using the questions. Aim: Help Ss to remember the lesson - T: Encourage Ss to give nice 9
  9. Present to the class about your good friends sentences about friendship and why they are good friends. Ss: work in groups. T: Choose some Ss to present to the 4. Search and extension activities: (1’) class about their good friends and why Aim: Help Ss prepare the lesson at home they are good friends. (avoid talking carefully. about someone who is considered “not - Learn new vocabulary and questions a good friend”). to make friends. Ss: tell the class about them. Prepare next lesson : Unit 1. Skills 1. - T gives the recommendations. - Ss listen and remember. IV. EXPERIENCES: Period 6: SKILLS 1 Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (2’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. T : ask the class to look at the three What do they tell you about the school? pictures first. (pictures on page 12) T: encourage Ss to give their ideas 2. Knowlege formation activity: (as many sentences as possible). Activity 1: Reading. (22’) Ss: look at the picture and answer. Aim: Help Ss to train reading skill to answer the questions. T: guide and ask Ss to give some * Vocabulary: (New words) new words - kindergarten (n) lớp mẫu giáo - oversea (n) ngoài nước, hải ngoại Ss: give words then repeat many - surrounded (a) bao quanh time. - field ( n) đồng ruộng, cánh đồng - mountain (n) núi T: ask Ss to read the three passages - international (a) quốc tế quickly and check their ideas. Set a - building (n) tòa nhà, kiến trúc - equipment (n) trang thiết bị strict time limit to ensure Ss read - creative (a) sang tạo quickly for information. E1. Read the text quickly to check your Ss: Individual work ideas. T: Ask Ss to read the passages E2. Now find these words in the text. What again, then find the words in the passages. do they mean? Ss: read the text. - It is a boarding school. That means many Ss T: Help them to give the meaning of study and live there. explanations, or examples, or - The school is surrounded by mountains Vietnamese equivalent. and green fields. T: Tell Ss to pay attention to the - international school for Ss from year 10
  10. 1 to year 2, Ss learn English with foreign context of the words teachers T: Set a longer time limit for Ss to (inter + national) reread the text and complete the - Some creative students do drawings and sentences. paintings in the art club. Ss: Individual work E3. Now read the text again and complete T: Ask Ss to note where they found these sentences. the information that help them Key: complete the sentences. 1 Boarding T: Have Ss to compare their answer. 2 Vinabrita - Allow Ss to read in chorus once. 3 Australia Then call some individuals to read 4 Mountains aloud to the class. Check their 5 English speaking teachers. pronunciation and intonation. T: Ask Ss to refer back the three schools. Give the background of the schools. Activity 2: Speaking. (20’) T: Ask Ss to complete the table in Aim: Help Ss to train speaking skill. their notebooks. Which school would you like to go to? Ss: complete the practice with their Why? First complete the table. Then discuss classmates. with your friends. Correct the mistakes Background of the school: PLC Sydney: an international school for girls from kindergarten to year 12 in Sydney, Australia. An Lac Lower Secondary School: a small school in a mountainous region in Son Dong Dist, Bac Giang Province. Vinabrita School: an international school for from year 1 to year 12 in Ha Noi. - Practice speaking more. 3. Search and extension activities:(1’) - Summarize the lesson - Prepare next lesson : Unit 1. Skills 2 IV. EXPERIENCES: 11
  11. Period 7: SKILLS 2 Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (4’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. What do they tell you about the school? (pictures on page 12) 2. Knowlege formation activity: T: Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: Activity 1: Listening. (10’) PLC Sydney (Ss have to give the full Aim: Help Ss to train listening skill then name). Introduce Susie Brewer – a choose the correct answer. student at PLC Sydney. Key: - Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen 1. A 2. A only the first time. Then play the 3. B 4. B 5. A recording again and allow Ss to choose the correct answers as they listen. Ss: Ss can share their answers before listening to the recording a final time to check. Activity 2:Writing. (30’) Aim: Aim: Help Ss to use good punctuation. * Vocabulary: (New words) T: guide and explain some new words - tip (n) lời khuyên Ss: listen and copy down. - punctuation (n) sự chấm câu, phép chấm T: read. câu Ss: repeat many times - comma (n) dấu phẩy - full stop (n) dấu chấm - question mark (n) dấu chấm hỏi - exclamation mark (n) dấu chấm than T: Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in E2. Can you correct the punctuation in these the sentences in their notebooks. Then sentences? call five Ss to write the five sentences Key: on the board. Let the class comment 1. School starts on the 5th September. and check. T finally gives correction. 2. Does he live in Ha Noi? Ss: write the sentence on the board 3. I’m excited about the first day of school. Correct the mistakes 4. Are you doing your homework? 5. We’re having an English lesson in class. - Play the recording twice. Let Ss E3: Can you correct the passage? Write the write the words in the correct places. correct version. Ss: correct the passage. Correct the mistakes Key: Hi, I’m Phong and I’m from Ho Chi Minh City. I wear my uniform to school every day. My favorite teacher is Mr Trung. He teaches me science. Tell Ss to write a draft fi rst, trying to E4. Create a webpage for your school. answer all the questions. T hen Ss write 12
  12. Ex: My school’s name is Phan Ngoc Hien a paragraph of about 80 words about . their school, covering as many ideas as possible of the answers to these questions. Tell Ss to pay attention to punctuation, structural elements, linking 3. Search and extension activities: (1’) words, etc - Learn new words by heart Correct the mistakes - Practice the conversation again. Prepare the next lesson : Looking back IV. EXPERIENCES: Period 8: LOCKING BACK Contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up: (3’) Aim: Inspire Ss to study the new lesson. T: ask Ss to answer the questions What’s that? It is a/an (notebook/eraser) Ss: answer 2. Knowlege formation activity: Correct the mistakes. Activity 1:Vocabulary. (9’) Aim: Help Ss to review the words in unit 9 (1): Write words that match the pictures. Key: T: Tell Ss to write the words in their 1. Dictionary notebooks. Then T corrects the 2. Uniform mistakes. 3. Pencil sharpener - Let Ss repeat the words. 4. Notebook Check their pronunciation 5. Compass 6. Calculator (2): Match the words in A with the ones in B Key: T: Have Ss match the words in A B 2. C 3. A 4. D with ones in B. (3): Then write down the words you hear in Ss: match the correct places. Correct the mistakes Key: - Play: sport, badminton, music. - Play the recording twice. Let Ss - Do: morning exercise, homework. write the words in the correct - Study: new words, geography. places. - Have: English lessons, a new book. Ss: write their lesson on the board T: Give correction. Activity 2: Grammar. (14’) 13
  13. Aim: Help Ss to review the grammar note. (4): Complete the sentences with the present T: Ask Ss to do these exercises (4, simple. 5, 6) in individually first. Then they Key: can check their answers with a 1. Comes 2. Don’t 3. Walks 4. Do partner before discussing the 5. Teaches answers as a class. 6. Play (5): Complete the sentences with the present continuous Key: 1. are doing 2. Are riding 3. is studying 4. is having Tell Ss to keep a record of their 5. am walking 6. is teaching original answers so they can use that (6): Complete the text with the correct form information in their Now you can of the verbs in brackets. statements. Key: Ss: answer 1. live 2. is 3. has Correct the mistakes 4. is walking 5. go 6. Study 7. are working 8. Loves Activity 3:Communication(8’) Aim: Help Ss to recall knowledge to apply in the game. (7): Match the questions with the correct answers. T: Ask Ss to read the questions and Key: answers once or twice, then match b – g d –f e –a h – c them. T: Have Ss write all the sentences in their notebooks. Ss: write (8): Now role play the questions and answers. Correct the mistakes * PROJECT. (10’) Your dream school. T: Ask Ss work in pairs and role Imagine your dream school. What does it look play the questions and answers. like? Ss: role-play What can you do there? . Correct the mistakes. 3. Search and extension activities: (1’) - Learn new words by heart T: guide and have Ss discuss their - Summarize thelesson dream school, using the pictures and - Takenote their imagination, then write about it Prepare next lesson : Unit 2: My Home Lesson and illustrate their writing 1: Getting Started. T: ask Ss can write the lesson at home IV. EXPERIENCES: Checking up: 14