15 đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 (Có đáp án)

1. What do Phong, Nam and Mai like doing? ………………………………………………………..
2. What animal does Nam like? ………………………………………………………………
3. What animal does Phong like? …………………………………………………………………….
4. Why does Mai like the giraffes? ……………………………………………………………………
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Nội dung text: 15 đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 (Có đáp án)

  1. TRƯỜNGTIỂUHỌC CHÁNH LỘ ĐỀ THIHỌC KỲ 2 NĂM HỌC - Full name: MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 4 C l a s s : 4 Thời gian làm bài: 35 phút ĐỀ SỐ 1 Marks Listening Reading and writing Speaking Comments Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 PART 1: LISTENING (5pts) Question 1: Listenand match (1pt)
  2. Question 2: Listenand circle (1pt) Question 3: Listenand number (1pt) Question 4: Listenand t i c k (1pt)
  3. Question 5: Listenand complete (1pt) B:I t ’ s 35.000 dong. PART 2: READING AND WRITING (4pts) Questions 6: Look and read. P u t t h e t i c k ( ) or cross( X ) int h e box. (1pt) 1. I prefer badminton 2. S H e iswearing a T-shirt a n d skirt 3. H e g o e s toschool a t 6:30 4. Myfavourite food isnoodles.
  4. Question 7: R e a d and answer t h e questions. (1pt) 1. Whatdo Phong, N a m a n d Mailike doing? 2. Whatanimal does N a m like? 3. Whatanimal does Phong like? . 4. Whydoes Mailike thegiraffes? Question 8: Complete t h e sentences (1pt) 1. H e ’ s a bus d . 2. A r e theyt . .? 3. y do y o u like monkeys? 4. Wevisited PhuQuoc I .
  5. Question 9: Complete t h e passage (1pt) camera buy countryside friends Linda a n d his ( 1 ) a r e going tohave a picnic next Sunday. They a r e going tothe ( 2 ) They a r e going to( 3 ) some food, fruit a n d drinks. Linda is going totakea ( 4 ) . sotheya r e going totakesome photos. A n d theya r e going to have a lotof fun. PART 3. SPEAKING(1pt) 1. Listen a n d repeat 2. Point, a s k a n d answer 3. Listen a n d comment 4. Interview The End
  6. Trường: Tiểuh ọ c H ứ a Tạo THESECOND TERM TEST Sốt h ứ tự H ọ và tên: ENGLISH GRADE 4 bàit h i Lớp:4 N ă m h ọ c : - Time:40 minutes S ố BDPhòng Điểm N h ậ n xét CK GT Part 1. Listening ( 20’) Question 1. listen and number (1pt) A. B. C. D. E. 0 Question 2. listen and color (1pt) 1 2 3 4 Question 3. listen and drawa line (1pt) A B C EX:PETER 1.PHONG 2. NAM 3. JANE 4. TONY D E F
  7. Question 4. listen and t i c k (1pt) Example: Whattime do y o u g o toschool? A B C 1. What’sy o u r favorite food? A B C 2. Wheredid y o u g o ? A B C 3. Whatfestival do y o u like best? A B C 4. What’sy o u r father job? A B C Question 5. listen and complete (1pt) Example: A: What’s y o u r grandfather job? B: H e isa farmer 1. A: Whatanimal isthat? B: I t ’ s a 2. A: Wheredoes y o u r father w o r k ?
  8. B: H e works ina . . 3. A: Whatis ? B: I t isa big festival. 4. A: What’s y o u r favorite drink ? B: . PART II. READING AND WRITING ( 2 0 ’ ) Question 6. Look and read. Put a t i c k or cross int h e boxas examples (1pt). X 0. H o a can’t skip 00. H e ’ s playing chess. 1. Shelooks strong. 2. This shirtisseventy-five thousand dong. 75.000 3. A: L e t ’s g o tothecinema. B: G r e a t idea. 4. A: Whatanimal isthat? B: I t ’s a monkey. Question 7. R e a d and w r i t e ONEsuitable w o r d ineach gap (1pt). FAVOURITE ANIMALS N a m e likes doesn’tlike Phong giraffes, monkeys zebras, crocodiles, tigers Mai zebras, rabbits, giraffes bears, elephants Tuan crocodiles, goldfish, monkeys giraffes, zebras 1. Phong a n d Mailike 2. Tuan a n d Phong don’t like 3. Maidoesn’t like bear a n d
  9. Question 5 : Listen and write the missing words or numbers (1m) short blouse T-shirt skirt 1. A: what’s your sister wearing today/ B: she’s wearing , jean and shoes. 2. A: what’s she wearing today? B: she’s wearing a t- shirt, a long . and shoes 3. A: what’s she wearing today? B: she’s wearing a blouse , a skirt and shoes. 4. A: what’s she wearing today? B: she’s wearing a ., jeans and shoes PART 2: READING AND WRITING Questions 6: Look and read. Put the tick ( ) or cross (X) in the box (1m) 1. I prefer badminton 2. She is wearing a T-shirt and jeans 3. He goes to school at 6:30 4 My favourite food is noodles.
  10. Question 7 : Look and read. Write YES or NO (1m) Tet is coming soon. We have a lot of fun. I get some new clothes from my parents. My friends get some new clothes their parents too. We go to Tet markets. We eat nice food. We visit our grandparents. We visit our teachers and friends too. I love Tet very much. 1. I get some new clothes from my sisters. . 2. We eat very much fruit on Tet holiday. . 3. We go to Tet market. 4. We visit our grandparents, teachers and friends. Question 8 : Look at the pictures and the letters. Complete the sentences (1m) 1. He’s a bus dr . 2. Are they ti . .? 3. w y do you like monkeys? 4. We visited Phu Quoc Isl .
  11. Question 8: Complete the passage (1m) camera, buy, countryside, friends Linda and his (1) are going to have a picnic next Sunday. They are going to the (2) They are going to (3) some food, fruit and drinks. Linda is going to take a (4) . so they are going to take some photos. And they are going to have a lot of fun. ANSWER KEY PART 1: LISTENING Question 1: Listen and match(1m) 1- C 2 - D 3 - B 4 - A Question 2: Listen and number (1 m) 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A Question 3: Listen and tick ( )(1m) 1 - A 2 - B 3 - A 4 - A Question 4: listen and color(1m 1. The jean is blue 2. The blouse is pink 3. The shoes are green 4. The T- shirt is red Question 5 : Listen and write the missing words or numbers (1ms) 1. T- shirt 2. skirt 3. short 4. blouse
  12. PART 2: READING AND WRITING Questions 6: Look and read. Put the tick ( ) or cross( X ) in the box (1m) 1. 2. X 3. X 4. Question 7 : Look and read. Write YES or NO (1m) 1. NO 2. NO 3. YES 4. YES Question 8 : Look at the pictures and the letters. Complete the sentences (1m) 1. He’s a bus driver 2. Are they tigers 3. Why do you like monkeys? 4. We visited Phu Quoc Island Question 9: Complete the passage (1m) (1) friends (2) countryside (3) buy (4) camera
  13. TAPE TRANSCRIPT PART 1: LISTENING Question 1 : Listen and match 1. A: I like chicken. What about you? B: I like chicken too. It’s my favorite food. 2. A: Do you like mineral water? B: Yes. Mineral water is my favorite drink. 3. A: What’s your favourite food? B: It’s fish. Fish is my favorite food. 4. A: What’s your favorite drink? B: Milk. I like milk very much Question 2: Listen and number 1. A: Who’s that in this picture? B: It’s my grand father. A: What’s his job? B: He’s a farmer. 2. A: Who’s that in the picture? B: It’s my brother. A: What’s his job? B: He’s a driver. 3. A: Who’s that in the picture? B: It’s my mother. A: What’s her job? B: She’s a teacher 4. A: Who’s that in the picture? B: It’s my father. A: What’s his job? B: He’s a doctor.
  14. Question 3: Listen and tick ( ) 1. A: Look over there! B: What is it? A: It’s a crocodile. It’s eating fish 2. A: Look at the bear. B: Where? A: Over there. It is standing up. 3. A: I want a new robot. B: Let’s go to the toy shop. A: Ok. Let’s go there. 4. A: Look at the giraffe. b: Where? a: Over there. It’s very pretty. B: Yes, it is. Question 5: Listen and write the missing words or numbers 5. A: What’s your sister wearing today/ B: She’s wearing t- shirt, jean and shoes. 6. A: What’s she wearing today? B: She’s wearing a t- shirt, a long skirt and shoes 7. A: What’s she wearing today? B: She’s wearing a blouse , a short skirt and shoes. 8. A: What’s she wearing today? B: She’s wearing a blouse, jeans and shoes
  15. Trư ờ n g Tiểu h ọ c B Y ê n Đ ồ n g BÀI KIỂM TRA ĐỊNH KỲ CUỐI NĂM H ọ v à t ê n : . N ă m h ọ c : - L ớ p : 4 . . . M ô n : TIẾNG ANH 4 T h ờ i gianl à m b à i 40phút Đ i ể m N h ậ n xét,đánh giá . B à i 1.Hãy quan s á t k ỹ b ứ c tranh r ồ i đ i ề n chữc á i chỉb ứ c tranh đ ó (5 đ i ể m ) . A. Jump-rope B. Rice C. F r o g D. Spider E. Chicken F. Bread V í d ụ : 1 . A. jump-rope 2. . 3. 4. 5. . 6. B à i 2.Quan s á t tranh v à khoanh vào câutrả lờiđúng (2 đ i ể m ) 1.W h a t doy o u w a n t ? A. I w a n t cake. B. I w a n t j u i c e . 2.D o y o u likebirds? A. Y e s , I d o . B. N o , I d o n ’ t .
  16. 3. What’s your favorite color? A. I like black. B. I like white. 4. Do you want fish? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. Bài 3. Chọn và khoanh vào A, B, C, hoặc D trước đáp án đúng (2 điểm) 1. I want apple. A. a B. an C. two D. five 2. I am . I want juice. A. thirsty B. hungry C. fine D. fat 3. What you like? A. are B. is C. do D. can 4. Look! There . a dog. I like dogs. A. am B. can C. are D. is Bài 4. Hãy sắp xếp các từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu có nghĩa (1 điểm). 1. color / like / you / do / What /? 2. favorite / My / is / color / brown /. 3. and / I / ice-cream / want / cake /. 4. like / you / rabbits / Do /? The end
  17. ĐÁP ÁN VÀ BIỂU ĐIỂM Tổng điểm: 10 điểm Bài 1: 5 điểm. Chọn đúng mỗi đáp án cho 1 điểm / câu. 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. F 6. E Bài 2: 2 điểm. Chọn đúng mỗi đáp án cho 0,5 điểm / câu. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4.A Bài 3: 2 điểm. Chọn đúng mỗi đáp án cho 0,5 điểm / câu. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D Bài 4: 1 điểm. - Viết đúng thứ tự và chỉnh tả mỗi câu cho 0,25 điểm / câu. - Viết sai chính tả 1, 2 lỗi trừ 50% số điểm mỗi câu. - Viết sai chính tả từ 3 lỗi trở lên không cho điểm. 1. What color do you like? 2. My favorite color is brown. 3. I want cake and ice-cream 4. Do you like rabbits?
  18. School: ___ THESECOND SEMESTER TEST - Class:4/___ FROM: GRADE 4 Fullname: ___ TIME: 60 MINUTES  Invigilator’s signature Examiner’s signature Marks A.LISTENING: (10MARKS) I. Listenandwritethecorrect words:(5MARKS) 1. ___ 6. ___ 2. ___ 7. ___ 3. ___ 8. ___ 4. ___ 9. ___ 5. ___ 10. ___ II. Listenandcolor: (2,5 MARKS)
  19. III. Listenandmatch:(2,5 MARKS) Whatdid Alexdo lastweek? Listen anddraw a line fromtheday tothecorrect picture. Thereisone example. B.READING: (10MARKS) I. Look, read and writeyes or no: (3MARKS) 1. Thereare4 balloons inpicture. ___ 2. Thewomanwearing a foxm a s k ishappy. ___ 3. Thegirl wearing a dog m a s k isdancing. ___ 4. Thisisa picture about a picnic. ___ 5. Thereare15 people inhere. ___ 6. Thegirl wearing costume flowerisgo upstair. ___
  20. II. Readthestory. Choose a wordfromthebox. Writethecorrect wordnext tonumbers 1 – 5. (2,5 MARKS) Myname isDaisy.I like toys,but I like books andcomics best. I love stories about menon them o o n andabout (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wholive indifferent countries. I read a good story yesterday. Inthis story, a boy climbed a (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atthetop,therewasa lotof snow. Itwasevening, but the boy could seetheforest below him. He(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . down on a rocktohave a drink andtolook up atallthe(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butthenhe (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . something thathe didn’t understand. blankets ran children cooked stars saw sat mountain III. Story: WriteT(true) or F(false) about thestory Theloyal dog. (2MARKS) 1. Hachiko waited foritowner 10 years. ___ 2. Itowner’s name isUeno. ___ 3. Hachiko died insummer. ___ 4. Hachiko waited itowner inbus station. ___ IV. Reada request anddraw a dog. (2,5 MARKS) Thisism y dog. Ithas got four legs.Havetwoears anda brown nose. Mydog have a short tail. C.WRITING: (10MARKS) I. Read,look thepicture andwritetheanswer: (4MARKS) 1. Whatdid he do lastweek? ___ 2. Howcan theygo toChina? ___
  21. 3. Canhe swim? ___ 4. Whatshedoing now? ___ II. Writetheanswer foryourself: (4MARKS) 1. Whatdo y o u going todo next Saturday? ___ 2. Doy o u like towet?___ 3. Whatdoes y o u r sister look like? ___ 4. Arey o u going toshopping next month? ___ III. Puttheseverds withthepronunciation –ed inthecorrect line: (2MARKS) (watched, played, visted, practiced) /t/ . . /d/ . /id/ .
  22. PAPER OFLISTENING PART I. Listenandwritethecorrect words 1. wet 2. dry 3. band 4. station 5. watermelon 6. panda 7. story 8. eight o’clock 9. candle 10. DVD II. Listenandcolor 1. A: Cany o u see thebig treebehind thefamily therehave a picnic? B:Yes.CanI color thebig treey e l l o w . A:Yes. 2. A: Andcan y o u see lotof balloons inhis man. B:OK! A:Color lotof balloons red. B:Yes,now I color it! 3. A: Nowwedraw, OK! ? B:Yes!I love draw. A:Nowdraw a table next tothechidren areplay skipping. B:OK!
  23. 4. A: Nextiscolor thebag infront of thetreeandnext totheboy whoistalking with a girl brown. B:Sorry! I can’t listen. A:Please color thebag infront of thetrre andnext totheboy brown. IsthakOK? 5. A: Andlasttime wecolor. Color theball orange. B:Nowthepicture isvery beautiful. III. Listenandmatch 1. Grandpa: Whatdid y o u do lastSunday, Alex? Alex:Let’sremember. Oh,I now, I read a book inhouse. Grandpa: Why? Alex:Because outside israinny. Grandpa: Ohdear! 2. Grandpa: Now, whatdid y o u do on Thursday? Alex:Oh!Isa cool day. I wenttomyUncle’shouse toseehis’puppy. Grandpa: Howmanypuppy does y o u r uncle has? Alex:Therearefive. 3. Alex: I washed mydad’s car on Monday. Grandpa: IsOk? Alex:OK! 4. Grandpa: Didy o u wenttolaketosailed theboat? Alex:Yes!Iscorrect. Whydo y o u now it? Grandpa: Beacause your mumaretalk tome. 5. Alex: AndlastI wenttopicnic with myfriend, John. Grandpa: Isfun? Alex:Oh,Isso great.
  24. Cai Be Devision of Education and Training THE SECOND TERM TEST Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School School year: - Mark Full name: ___ Class: Bốn/ .Date: May , A/ PART I: Listening (5pts) I. Listen and match (1 pt) a. b. c. 1. bulky 2. huge 3. scary 4. pretty 5. funny d. e. II. Listen and circle (1pt) - 1 -
  25. b. c. a . d. e. f. g. III. Listen and number (1pt) a b c 1 d e IV. Listen and tick.  (1 pt)  1. a. b. 2. a. b. - 2 -
  26. 3. a. b. 4.a. b. 5.a. b. V. Listen and complete (1 pt) 1. A: Would you like some milk? B: No, thank. 2. A: Would you like some ___? B: Yes, please. 3. A: What does your father do? B: He’s a ___. 4. A: What is Tet? B: It’s a big ___ in our country. 5. A: How much is the ___ over there? - 3 -
  27. B: It’s 35,000 dong. B/ PART II: Reading (1.5pts) Read and do the tasks Hi, my name is Phong. I have two best friends Nam and Mai. We all like going to the zoo. Nam likes the monkeys very much. They can swing, ride a bike and do funny things. They like eating bananas. Mai does not like the monkeys. Mai likes the giraffes because they are pretty. They can eat leaves on the high trees with their long neck. I like the tigers best. They are beautiful but scary. They can jump into the burning hoop. I. Tick Yes or No Yes No 1. Phong and his friends like going to the zoo.  2. Nam likes eating bananas. 3. Mai likes the tigers because they are beautiful. 4. The tigers can jump into the burning hoop. II. Read the passage again and answer the questions: 1. What do Phong, Nam and Mai like doing? They like going to the zoo. 2. Does Mai like the monkeys? ___. 3. What animal does Phong like? ___. 4. What can the tigers do? ___. C/ PART III: Writing (1.5pts) I. Look at the picture and the letters. Write the words as example: 1. t e a - 4 -
  28. 2. d _ _ tor 3. r _ c _ 4. b _ _ r II. Complete sentences 1. A: What animal is that? 2. A: Would you like some n___? B: It’s a monkey. B: Yes, please. 3. A: What are you going to do? 4. A: What t___ is it? B: I’m going to get p___. B: It’s three o’clock. Good luck to you!!! - 5 -
  29. Cai Be Devision of Education and Training Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School  ANSWER KEYS Grade 4 School year: - A/ PART I: Listening (5pts) I. Listen and match (1 pt) 1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. d; 5.c. II. Listen and circle. (1 pt) a, b, c, e, g. III. Listen and number (1 pt) a. 2; b. 1; c. 5; d. 3; e. 4. IV. Listen and tick (1 pt) 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b. V. Listen and complete (1 pt) 1. milk; 2. noodles; 3. worker; 4.festival; 5. T-shirt. B/ PART I: Reading (1,5 pts) I. Tick Yes or No 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. No; 4. Yes. II. Read the passage again and answer the questions: 1. They like going to the zoo. 2. No, she doesn’t/ does not. 3. He likes the tigers. 4. They can jump into the burning hoop. C/ PART III: Writing (1.5pts) I. Look at the picture and the letters. Write the words as example: 1. tea; 2. doctor; 3. rice; 4. bear. II. Complete sentences: 1. monkey; 2. noodles; 3. presents; 4. time. End - 6 -
  30. PHÒNGGD&ĐT HUYỆN ĐIỆN BIÊN KIỂM TRACHẤT LƯỢNGCUỐI KÌ II Trường PTDTBTTH Số 1 Mường Nhà NĂM HỌC - Môn Tiến g A n h - Lớp 4 Họ và tên : (Thời gian làm bài:40p h út) Lớp : M a r k s Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Total PART 1:LISTENING (20 Minutes) I.Listen andm a t c h (Em h ã y nghe r ồ i nốiv ớ i bứctranht ư ơ n g ứ n g ) (1pt) A B C 1 2 3 4 5 D E II.Listen andnumber. (Em h ã y nghe rồi đánh s ố thứtự1,2,3,4 vàob ứ c tranhtheothứ t ự nộidung nghe được)(1pt) B A - 1 -
  31. C D III. Listen and complete. ( Em hãy nghe và điền chữ cái thích hợp vào chỗ trống) (2pts) 1. p_ n_c 2. sa_ s_ge 3. br_ _ d 4.c_me_a IV. Listen and tick (Nghe và đánh dấu  vào tranh mà em nghe được) (1pt) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. A B A B - 2 -
  32. PART II- READING AND WRITING ( ĐỌC VÀ VIẾT) (25 minutes) V. Read and tick () Y (yes) or N (no) (1pt) ( Em hãy đọc rồi đánh dấu tick () vào cột Y(yes) hoặc N(no). My name is Nam. I’m ten years old. I’m a pupil at Le Van Tam Primary School. I’m in class 4A. There are twenty-two pupils in my class. I like reading very much. I often go to the library in my free time. My favourite subject is English. I usually play badminton with my friends in our breaktime because I love sports too. Yes No 1. Nam is ten years old. 2. There are twenty-three pupils in his class 3. His favourtite subject is Math. 4. His favourite sport is badminton. VI. Look and read. Put a tick () or a cross ( ) in the box (Em hãy nhìn tranh, đọc và đánh dấu  hoặc vào ô vuông) (1pt) 1. This is an umbrella. 2. It’s a sausage. 3. That is a crocodile - 3 -
  33. 4. That is a shirt. VII. Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the words. (Em hãy nhìn tranh và các chữ cái cho sẵn rồi sắp xếp lại thành từ đúng) (1pt) 1. menkoy 2. eanjs 3. mecara 4. T-irtsh VIII. Complete the sentences (Hoàn thành các câu sau) (2pts) 1. What animal is that ? It’s a 2. What's his job ? He's a - 4 -
  34. 3. What’s he wearing? He’s wearing a . 4. What's your favourite food ? It's - 5 -
  35. WRITTEN TEST CORRECTION 3 PART 1: LISTENING (20 Minutes) I. Listen and match (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) Ex:1.A 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.C II. Listen and number (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A III. Listen and complete (2pts) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm (0, 5x4) 1. picnic 2. sausage 3. bread 4.camera IV. Listen and tick (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B PART II- READING AND WRITING (25 minutes) V. Read and tick Y (yes) or N (no) (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1.Y 2.N 3.N 4.Y VI. VI. Look and read. Put a tick () or a cross ( ) in the box Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1.  2. 3.  4. VII. Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the words (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1. monkey 2. jeans 3. camera 4. T-shirt VIII. Complete the sentences (2pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25x4) 1. What animal is that? It’s a monkey. 2. What's his job ? He's a worker. 3. What’s he wearing ? He’s wearing a T-shirt. 4. What's your favourite food ? It's a hamburger. - 6 -
  36. TRANSCRIPT PART 1: LISTENING I. Listen and match (1pt) 1. A: What animal is that ? B: It's a monkey. 2. A: Would you like some chicken ? B: Yes, please. It's my favourite food. 3. A: Why do you want to go to the toys shop ? B: Because I want some toys. 4. A: What’s your favourite food ? B: It’s hamburger. A: Hamburger ? B: Yes, hamburger. 5. A: I want some new books. Let’s go to the bookshop. B: Great idea. I want some books too. II. Listen and number (1pt) 1. A: Who's that in the picture ? 2. A: Who's that ? B: It's my grandfather. B: It's my brother. A: What's his job? A: What's he wearing ? B: He's a farmer. B: He's wearing a T-shirt. 3. A: Who's that in the picture ? 4. A: Who's that? B: It's my mother. B: It's my sister. A: What’s her job ? A: What's she wearing ? B: She is a teacher. B: She's wearing jeans. III. Listen and complete (1pt) 1. picnic 2. sausage 3. bread 4.camera - 7 -
  37. IV. Listen and tick (1pt) 1. A: What is Tet, Mai ? B: It's a big festival in our country. 2. A: What’s she going to do ? B: She’s going to buy a camera. 3. A: Why do you want to go to the bookshop ? B: Because I want some books. A: OK. Let’s go to the bookshop. 4. A: What is your favourite food and drink ? B: Beef and Orange juice. A: Beef and Orange juice ? B: Yes, they are. - 8 -