Giáo án cả năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Năm học 2015-2016

1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know How to prepare a new lesson, How to learn & check the previous lesson, How to learn English well and use the allocation in their study (at school + at home) and basic classroom language.

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Nội dung text: Giáo án cả năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Năm học 2015-2016

  1. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 Week 1 Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Period 1 Date of teaching: 24/8/2015 INTRODUCTION THE WAY TO LEARN WELL I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge. - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know How to prepare a new lesson, How to learn & check the previous lesson, How to learn English well and use the allocation in their study (at school + at home) and basic classroom language. 2. Skills. Know the way of using other language . 3. Language focus: + Structure: - Asking the students what they learnt last year or how they know English now. + Vocabulary: 4. Education. - Educate ss love their lesson II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher: textbook, cassette, tape. 2. Students: Books, pens III. Procedure - Introduce the content of the programme: PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH DẠY VÀ HỌC TIẾNG ANH LỚP 4 (THEO CHƯƠNG TRÌNH VÀ SÁCH GIÁO KHOA MỚI CỦA BỘ GIÁO DỤC) Phân phối chương trình cho kế hoạch 3 tiết/tuần. Số tiết thực dạy: 4 tiết/bài học x 20 bài = 80 tiết Số tiết ôn tập: 3 tiết/bài x 4 bài ôn = 12 tiết Số tiết kiểm tra: 2 tiết/bài x 4 bài kiểm tra = 8 tiết Số tiết giới thiệu CT & SGK 1 tiết Số tiết dự phòng 4tiết Tổng số tiết trong một năm học: 105 tiết “English 4” has 4 books. ( Two student books and one work book) • Each student book has 10 units. After 5 units has a review. • Each unit has 3 lessons • Each lesson has 4- 5 parts Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 1
  2. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 • Prepare for the academic year. Teacher remarks Ss to remember some commands + Look, listen and repeat. Nhìn nghe và nhắc lại. + Point and say. Chỉ và nói + Listen and tick. Nghe và đánh dấu + Look and write . Nhìn và viết + Let’s sing. Chúng ta hãy hát + Let’s talk. Chúng ta hãy nói + Let’s play. Chúng ta hãy chơi + Listen and number. Nghe và đánh số + Let’s chant. Chúng ta hãy đếm + Listen and circle. Nghe và khoanh tròn + Write about you. Viết về bạn + Read and answer. Đọc và trả lời + Project. Kế hoạch + Listen and repeat. Nghe và nhắc lại + Read and tick Đọc và đánh dấu + Read and complete Đọc và hoàn thành câu. + Read and write Đọc và viết * Ss read in chorus, in group and individual * Teacher corrects the mistakes of pronunciation * Play the game: Slap on the board. Week 1 Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Period 2 Date of teaching: 24-25/8/2015 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 1: part 1-2-3 I. Objectives: - After the lesson, students will be able to greet someone formally. Develop: Listening – Speaking skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language contents: - Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, night - Grammar : Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening. III. Teaching aids: - Teaching aids: puppets , recording. - Resources: student’s book ( p.6), workbook ( p. 4) IV/ Procedures 1. Class organization: - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance. 2. Oral test: - Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, intro-duce someone. 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 2
  3. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 V. Procedure: Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up * Have Ss play the game: - Play game. Chatting game. S: What animal do you see?- I want to see - Give the comment. 1. Look , listen and repeat - Introduce the dialogue - Ss look at the picture and identify the characters and what they are doing. - Play the CD for the ss. - Look and listen to Tom, Phong and Mai talking about where they plan go to. - Listen and repeat each line of the dialogue. - Present the way to ask - Listen and note down: questions about animals. - Where are going this summer? – I’m going to - Read in groups to play roles. - Check some pairs. - Read in pairs( 4-5pairs), the others listen and give comment. 2. Point and say - Ss look at the picture and identify animals in each - Teach and give the picture. meaning of new words. - Note down. - Ss read aloud the new words. - Some ss read individual before the class. - Check ss’understanding - Look and say Yes if the new words right and No if by a game: Yes or no. they are wrong then correct. - Present the way to ask and answer about animals. - Where are going this summer? – I’m going to - - Do model the task with a Practice speaking in pair. student. - Some pairs say in front of class. The rest of class - Check ss and correct. listen and give comments. Reinforcement - homelink - Ss do exercises in part A,B(WB) at home. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 118
  4. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 Week: 32 Planning date:8/4/2016 Period: 93 Teaching date: 15/4/2016 Unit 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? Lesson 2: 1.2.3 I. Objectives: After the lesson, students are able to: - Asking and answering questions about what someone plans to do. Develop: speaking skill. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: seafood, delicious, stay, build, - Sentence patterns: What are you going to do? – I’m going to - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. IV. Resources: - CD and radio, student’s book , Workbook V. Procedure Teacher’s work Students’ activities I. Warm up. - Have ss play the game: - Play game in 3 groups. Chinese whisper. G1: I like playing football. G2: I like sing . - Give comment. G3: I like flying a kite. 1. Look , listen and repeat - Introduce the dialogue - Ss look at the picture and identify the characters and what they are doing. - Play the CD for the ss. - Look and listen to Mai and Linda talking about what they plan to do. - Listen and repeat each line of the dialogue. - Explain the grammar. - Listen and note down: What are you going to do? – I’m going to - Check some pairs. - Read in groups to play roles. - Read in pairs( 4-5pairs), the others listen and give 2. Point and say comment. - Teach and give the - Ss look at the picture and identify animals in each meaning of new words. picture. - Note down. - Ss read aloud the new words. - Check ss’understanding - Some ss read individual before the class. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 119
  5. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 by a game: Yes or no. - Look and say Yes if the new words right and No if they are wrong then correct. - Present the way to ask and answer about animals. - Do model the task with a What are you going to do? – I’m going to student. - Practice speaking in pair. - Some pairs say in front of class. The rest of class - Check ss and correct. listen and give comments. 3. Let’s talk - Talking in pair - Guiding Ss to talk. 1. Where are you going this summer? 2. What are you going to do this summer? – I’m - Call some pairs to talk. going to - 7-8 pairs talk in front of the class. Other give - Check and correct. comments. Reinforcement - homelink Ss do Ex in Part C (WB) at home. Week: 33 Planning date:14/4/2016 Period: 94 Teaching date: 18/4/2016 Unit 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? Lesson 3: 1.2.3 I. Objectives: After the lesson, students are able to: Pronounce correctly the sound of the stress marks(’). Develop: Listening and speaking skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: - Phonics: the stress marks(’) of words:de’licious, e’nomous, No’vember, De’cember. III. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. IV. Resources: CD and radio, students’ book V. Procedure: Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up - Play: You are happy in Let’s sing. summer holiday! song 1. Listen and repeat. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 120
  6. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 - Guiding Ss how to - Ss pay attention to the stress marks(’). produce the sound of the - Listen and note. words. - Ss learn to produce the sound of the words: de’licious, e’nomous, No’vember, De’cember. - Repeat in chorus. - Play the CD. - Read in groups./ in pairs. - Check some ss. - Give out and check. 2. Listen and circle. Then say the sentences aloud. - Ss look at the sentences, read in individual. - Play the CD - Listen to the tape and circle. Then repeat the sentences twice in chorus. - Check and correct. -Read in group/ in individual. 3. Let’s chant (p68) - Give out and check. - Introduce the Chant : Where are you going? - Ps listen to the tape and chant - Ps chant in group & individual. -Teacher reinforce their - Ps chant and do the action pronunciation - Check in pairs - Give out and check, the others clap their hands. Reinforcement - homelink: - Ss do exercises in D (WB) at home. Week: 33 Planning date:14/4/2016 Period: 95 Teaching date: 19/4/2016 Unit 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? Lesson 2.3: 4.5.5 I. Objectives: Review: Asking and answering questions about where someone plans to go and what someone plans to do. Develop: Listening and writing skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review about activities words - Sentence patterns: unit 20 III. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. IV. Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, puppets. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 121
  7. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks. V. Procedure: Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up: Play the CD Let’s sing: You are happy in summer holidays! 4. Listen, circle and write. -Guide Ss to look the - Ss look at the sentences in part 4(p67), guess sentences, listen and circle. the answer to circle. - Listen twice and circle the answer that they hear. Then write the words that they heard. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner - Check and correct. - 4 Ss respond the answer. Others give comment. - Listen again and check. Ss retell what they 5. Look and write (P67) have heard. - Guide ss to complete the - Look at the pictures (p67) to find the suitable exercise. phrases to write( activities, ). - Complete the excercise in individually. - 3 Ss write on the board, 6-7 Ss read aloud the - Check and correct. sentences they have written.The rest of the 5. Write about the plan for your class listen & give comments summer holidays. - Guiding Ss how to complete - Read the suggestion questions and write the exercise. themselves in individual. - 2 Ss write on the board, 6-7 Ss read aloud the - Check and correct. sentences they have written.The rest of the class listen & give comments Reinforcement - homelink: - Do exercises in Part E (WB) at home. Week: 33 Planning date:14/4/2016 Period: 96 Teaching date: 22/4/2016 REVIEW 4 I. Objectives - Help students to review all the structure from unit 16 to unit 20. Review the words, do exercises in the book. Develop: 4 skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 122
  8. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: unit 16-20 - Sentence patterns: unit 16-20 III. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. IV. Resources: - Recording, tape and pictures, student’s book , Workbook V. Procedure Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up: Net work game. - Work in group of 5. Activities Plans to go Zoo animals Area Clothes - Check some groups. - Ss find the words and put in to the right groups. 1. Listen and tick. -Guide Ss to look the - Ss look at the pictures in part 1(p70) to identify pictures, listen and tick. the similarities and differences among them, guess the answer to tick. - Listen three times and tick the answer that they hear. Then write the words that they heard. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the - Check and correct. partner - 4 Ss respond the answer. Others give comment. - Listen again and check. Ss retell what they have heard. 2. Read and circle - Guide Ss to read the text, - Read the text and the sentencesin silence and circle and complete the do the task independently. sentences. - Compare the answer with the partner - 4-6 Ss respond the answer. Others give - Check as a class. comments. Reinforcement - homelink. - Have ss review the lesson - Do at home. and prepare the test. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 123
  9. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 Week: 34 Planning date:22/4/2016 Period: 97 Teaching date: 25/4/2016 REVIEW 4( cont) I. Objectives - Help students to review all the structure from unit 16 to unit 20. Review the words, do exercises in the book. Develop: 4 skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: unit 16-20 - Sentence patterns: unit 16-20 III. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. IV. Resources: - Recording, tape and pictures, student’s book , Workbook V. Procedure Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up: Slap the board. - Work in group of 3. - Check some groups. - Ss find the words and put in to the right groups. 3. Read and match. -Guide Ss to read and match. - Ss read the questions on the left and pair them with the answers on the right by drawing a line - Provide explanation, if between them independently. necessary. - Compare the answer with the partner. - A few pairs act out the dialogues. Others give - Check and correct. comment. 4. Write the answer - Guide Ss to complete the - Read the questions, look at the pictures and sentences. write the answers. - Do the task independently. - Monitor the activity and - Compare the answer with the partner. offer help if necessry. - Some pairs to act out converrsations in front of - Check as a class. class. The rest of class give comments. 5. Look and write. - Read the text and look at the pictures (p71). - Guide Ss to look at the Then guess possible words or phrases to pictures and complete the text complete the sentences. - Complete the excercise in individually. - Monitor the activity and - Ss check each other for correction. offer help if necessry. - 3 Ss write the answers on the board, 6-7 Ss read - Check as a class. aloud the sentences they have written.The rest of Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 124
  10. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 Reinforcement - homelink. the class listen & give comments. - Have ss review the lesson and prepare the test. - Do at home. Week: 34 Planning date:24/4/2016 Period: 98 Teaching date: 26/4/2016 SHORT STORY: CAT AND MOUSE 4 I. Objectives: - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to PRACTICE all the knowledge they have learn. Develop speaking, reading and writing skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually);Work in pairs/ groups;Discuss. III. Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, puppets. - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks. IV. Languages focus: ❖ Vocabulary: about Cat and Mouse V. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: Chatting about - Respond. what did people do. 1. Read and listen to story - Ss look at the picture and read the story in - Guide Ss to read the individual. story. - Read the text and guess the words to replace the red words. - Ss look at the picture carefully & listen to the tape - Correction. and correct the words. - Read in group ( Ss role play among the class) 2. Work in pairs. Put the . Others give comments words in the correct order. - Ss do the task, write down the sentences - Guide Ss to put the independently. words in the correct order. - Ss check each other their answers in pairs for correction. - Check and correct. - 4-5 pairs read aloud the conversation. Others give comments. 3.Correct the wrong Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 125
  11. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 sentences( two are correct) - Ss read the sentences and see if they are right or - Guide Ss to correct the wrong and then correct the wrong ones. wrong sentences. - Do the task independently. Then check each other - Offer the help when for correction. necessary. - 4-5 Ss respond the answers. The rest of class give - correct. comments. 4. Unscramble these words from conversation - Ss unscramble in individual. - Guide Ss to complete the - Some Ss to write on the board. The rest of class words. give comments. - Correct. Homework: - Review all for the test Week: 34 Planning date:24/4/2016 Period: 99 Teaching date: 29/4/2016 WRITING TEST 4 Grade 4 Time: 40mins I. Listening Question 1: Listen and number (2.5 pts) 0 Question 2: Listen and draw a line (2.5 pts) 0 a. 1 b. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 126
  12. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. Question 3: Listen and tick (2.5pts) 1.a b. 2. a. b. 3. a. b. 56,000d 46,000d 3. a. b. 4. a. b. Question 4: Listen and complete (2.5 pts) Nam: Look. That’s (0) my sister. Linda: (1) one? What’s she wearing? Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 127
  13. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 Nam: She’s (2) a T-shirt and (3). Linda: Oh, I see. She has got brown (4) . II. Reading and writing(10pts) Question 5: Look and read. Put a tick() or a cross(x) in the box as examples. 1. This is a book . x 01. There is a table .  1. I like giraffes because they are pretty. 2. Why do you want to go to the bookshop ? – Because I want some books. 3. She is wearing a blouse and jeans . 4. I am going to play badminton. Question 6: Look and read and write Yes or No. There is one example. 00Ha Noi International School is in Hill street. .No . 01. My mother is short and big. Yes 1.What are you going to do? - I’m going to have picnic. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 128
  14. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 2. My father likes singing. . 3.A: I want to buy some food and drink. B: Let’ go to the supermarket. . 4.Where did you go?- I went to Hanoi. . Question 7: Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the words: 0. 5. v i l l a g e v g i e a l l 1. e b r a 1._ _ _ _ 2. a m c i p ng 2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. soh e s 3._ _ _ _ _ o o k s h p b o 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Question 8 : Complete the passage. It’s seven o’clock in the (0) morning. It’s very (1)___ outside. It is also cold and raining, so take an (2)___with you. Wear warm clothes like scarf and (3)___ today. It is also a good day for (4)___ Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 129
  15. Lesson planning 4 School year: 2015 - 2016 morning hat umbrella flying a kite raincoat windy Week: 35 Planning date:29/4/2016 Period: 100 Teaching date: 2/5/2016 CORRECTION OF WRITING TEST 4 I. Objectives - Help students to review all the structures they have learnt. - Student check and correct their writing test. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their friends. II. Language focus: III. Resources: - Recording, tape and pictures, student’s book , Workbook , paper test. IV. Procedure: Part 1: Listening Q1: Listen and tick(2pt) 1B 2C 3A 4B Q2: Listen and write the words(1pt): 1. Sunday 3. fruit 2. Park 4. football Part 2:Reading and writing Q3: (1pt) 1x 2V 3x 4V Q4(1pt) s 2. Zoo3. Tigers 4.doll Q5(2pt) 2.driver 3.monkey 4. Umbrella Q6(1pt): 1.fruit 3.swim 4.photographs Q7(1pt): 1D 2B 3E 4C Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Viet Lap Primary school - Tan Yen - Bac Giang 130