Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Unit 13: Would you like some milk? - Dương Hồng Hạnh - Năm học 2014-2015
I. Objectives:
By the end of this unit, pupils can
- use the words and phrases related to the topic Food and drinks..
- ask and answer questions about school subjects, using What’s your favorite food/drink? It’s…
II. Language Focus:
+ Vocabulary:food, drink, beef, pork, fish,chicken, orange juice, milk, water
+ Sentence pattern: What's your favourite food/ drink? - It's beef/ milk.
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Unit 13: Would you like some milk? - Dương Hồng Hạnh - Năm học 2014-2015
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Week: 22 Date: Thứ ngày .tháng . năm 2015. Period: 43 Teaching date: UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK ? Lesson 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, pupils can • use the words and phrases related to the topic Food and drinks • ask and answer questions about school subjects, using What’s your favorite food/drink? It’s II. Language Focus: + Vocabulary: food, drink, beef, pork, fish,chicken, orange juice, milk, water + Sentence pattern: What's your favourite food/ drink? - It's beef/ milk. III. Resources: Ss’ book, recording, computer, stereo, (projector), picture of food and drinks IV. Procedure: Language Time Learning activities Modes Focus Warm-up: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson Spoken 3’ by asking the class to sing the song My family and Interaction Whole class clap their hands. Song Revision. 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Tell pupils that they are going to read a story in Whole class which pupils ask and answer questions about their favourite food and drink, using What’s your Individuals favourite food/drink? It’s . Spoken - Have them look at the four pictures and discuss interaction 8’ with them the context in which the language is used. Ask questions such as Who are they? Where are Whole class they? And What are they saying? (Tom and Mai are in the canteen. In picture a, Tom asks Mai about her favourite food, using What’s your favourite food? And Mai answers It’s fish. In picture b, Mai asks ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ about Tom’s favourite food, using How about you? In Pictures c and d, they continue to ask each other about their favourite drink.) Check comprehension. - Play the recording more than once, if necessaary, for pupils to listen and repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. - Play the recording again so the class can listen and repeat. 2. Point and say. - Tell pupils that they are going to practice ask and Individuals 10’ answer questions about their favourite food and drink, using What’s your favourite food/drink? It’s Have pupils look at the bubbles to understand how the language is used. - Point to Picture a and have pupils repeat the name of the food (beef) under the picture. Do choral and individual repetition. Then tell them to practice Pairs asking and answering about the food in pairs: What’s your favourite food? It’s beef. Point to Picture c and have pupils repeat the name of the drink (orange juice) under the picture. Them tell pupils to ask What’s your favourite drink? And New words and answer It’s orange juice. structures/ - Get pupils to work in pí. Go around and offer function help, if necessary Groups Work in pairs. Ask partners about their favorite food and drink. - Tell pupils that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about their favourite food and drink, using What’s your favourite food/drink? It’s - Ask them to work in pairs. Set a time limit for the activity. 10’ - Call some pairs to practise in front of the class. 8’ 3. Listen and tick ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ - Tell pupils that they are going to listen to three dialogues about some children’s favourite food and drink and tick the correct pictures. - Have them look at the pictures to identify the food and drink (1a. Chicken. 1b.Fish. 1c.Beef. 2a. Milk. 2b. Apple juice. 2c. Orange juice. 3a. Chicken and orange juice. 3b. Chicken and milk. 3c. Beef and water.) Check understanding. - Play the recording more than oce, if necessary. Ask pupils to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures. Tell them to focus on the food and drink. - Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. Key: 1.b 2.c 3.a Audio script: 1. A: What’s your favourite food? B: It’s fish. A: Sorry? B: Fish is my favourite food. 2. A: What’s your favourite drink? B: It’s orange juice. A: Orange juice? B: Yes. 3. A: What’s your favourite food and drink? B: Chicken and orange juice. A: Chicken and What? B: Chicken and orange juice. A: Oh, I see. ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ 4. Look and write. - Tell pupils that they are going to write the answers to the questions about favourite food and drink suggested in the pictures. - Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures. Ask them to read the question next to each picture and write the answer. If necessary, get pupils to work in pairs. 5’ - Get pupils time to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary. - Get them to swap their ansers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, invite some pupils to read aloud the answers. Key: 1. It’s chicken. 2. It’s orange juice 3. It’s fish and water. 5. Let’s sing: - Tell the class that they are going to sing the song My favourite food and drink. Teach the song, following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction - Have pupils read each line of the lyrics aloud. Do choral and individual repetition and check comprehension. 5’ - Play the recording all the way through. Ask pupils to do choral and individual repetition of the song line by line. - When pupils are familiar with the tune, ask a group of four to come to the front of the class. Each of them sings one line of the song. Then the class sings the song together and claps hands. * Home link: - learnt by heart food and drinks. 1’ - practice asking and answering about what 's Whole class your favorite food and drink? ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Anticipated problems: ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Week: 22 Date: Thứ ngày .tháng . năm 2016. Period: 44 Teaching date: -2016 UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK ? Lesson 2 I. Objectives: • By the end of this unit, pupils will be able to offer somewone food or drinks and accept/decline someone’s offer, using Would you like some ? Yes, please/ No, thanks. II. Language Focus: Spoken interaction, words and structures/ function. * Sentence Patterns: Would you like some milk? Yes, please/ No, thanks. * Vocabulary: some, bread, rice, noodles, vegetables, lemonade III. Resources: Ss’ book, recording, computer, stereo, (projector), poster, picture cards IV. Procedure: Time Learning activities Language Focus Modes Warm-up: - : Spend a few minutes revising the previous Spoken Interaction. Whole class 3’ lesson. Ask some pupils to go to the front of the class to sing the song My favourite food and drink. Have the class clap hands. 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Tell the class that they are going to read a Whole class story in which the characters offer food and drink, using Would you like some ? and accept/decline offers, using Ues, please/ No, Individuals thanks. Spoken interaction 7’ - Have pupils look at the pictures. Ask them some questions such as Who are they? Where are they? And What are they saying? (Linda, Mai and Mai’s mother are in the kitchen. In Picture a, Mrs Lan offers Linda some noodles, Individuals saying Would you like some noodles? And Linda accepts her offer saying Yes, please. In ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Pictures b and c, Mrs Lan offers Linda milk and Whole class then orange juice, and Linda declines her offers, using No, thanks. In Picture d, Mrs Lan offers Pairs Linda lemonade and Linda accepts the offer by saying Yes, please.) Check comprehension. - Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for pupils to listen and repeat the language. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the character speaking. - Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat. 2. Point and say. - Tell pupils that they are going to practice Individuals offering someone food/drinks and accepting or declining someone’s offer. - Ask them to look at the pictures and the words Pairs under them. Teach the words bread, rice, vegetables and lemonade. Check comprehension have pupils repeat each word a New words and few times. Groups structures 6’ - Point to Picture a and have pupils repeat the Say and Respond word bread. Then tell one pupil to make an offer saying Would you like sone bread? And another accepting or declining the offer saying Yes, Please or No, thanks. - Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures. Do choral and individual repetition and then ask pupils to practise asking and answering the questions in pairs. - Invite pairs to act out the dialogues in front of ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ the class. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Language note: - Would you like ? Is a polite way of saying Do you want? - How about ? Means the same as What about ? 3. Let’s talk - Tell pupils that they are going to revise what Whole class they have learnt in Lessons 1 and 2, using facts Individuals about themselves. Remind pupils of the questions What’s your favourite food/drink? Pairs And Would you like some ? And how to respond to them. Spoken interaction Groups 10’ - Invite pairs to ask and answer the above two questions. Remind them to answer according to their own preferences. Go around and offer help. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. - Call on a few pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. 4. Listen and number. - Tell the class that they are going to listen to Whole class four dialogues about people’s favourite food and drink and number the pictures. Individuals - Give pupils a few seconds to look at the pictures. Ask them to say the food and drink aloud. 6’ - Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for pupils to listen and number the pictures. - Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class . Monitor the activiy and offer help, if necessary. Key: a.3 b1 c2 d4 Listening Activities ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Audio script 1. A: What’s your favourite food? Pairs B: It’s fish. With rice. Do you like fish? Groups A: Yes. I like it very much. B: Me too. 2. A; Would you like some milk? B: No, thanks. A: How about lemonade? B: Yes, please. I love lemonade. And some water, please. A: OK. 3. A: Would you like some noodles? B: No, thanks. A: How about some rice? B: Yes. Rice with beef, please. 4. A: What’s your favourite drink? B: It’s orange juice. Oh, and I like lemonade too. A: Me too. I love orange juice and lemonade. 5. Look and write - Tell pupils that they are going to complete the Writing activities Whole class menu, using the picture cues. Individuals - Have them look at the two worked examples in the menu. Then ask them to look at the pictures and 5’ write the words for the food and drink. Check understanding. - Set a time limit for pupils to do the task Words and independently. Go around offering help, if structures Pairs necessary. - Get them to swap their answers before checking as ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ a class. - If there is time, tell pupils to work in pairs or groups, asking and answering questions about their favourite food and drink. * Key: 1.Milk 2. Lemonade 3.Water 4.Fish 5. Rice 6.Bread 2' 6. Let's sing: -Whole class - Tell pupils that they are going to play the game Food or drink? Supportive activities - Write Food and Drink on two sides of the to reinforce learning board. Then write fish under Food and milk under Drink. - Call two groups to the front of the class. They Song - Individual should take turns to write the name of a food or drink on the board. The group that runs out of ideas, or puts a food or drink under the wrong category is out of the game. Then another group comes out and continues. The group which stays until the end of the game is the winner. * Home link: - Practice offering; "Would you like some ?" Whole class 1’ Anticipated problems: ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ Week: 23 Date: Thứ ngày .tháng . năm 2016. Period:45 Teaching date: -2016. UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK ? Lesson 3 I. Objectives: • By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters f and sh in the words beef, leaf and fish, dish respectively. II. Language Focus: Spoken interaction, phonics. + f beef My favourite food is beef. leaf The leaf is yellow. + sh fish Would you like some fish. dish That's a big dish of fish. III. Resources: Ss’ book, recording, computer, stereo, (projector), poster, sound cards IV. Procedure: Time Learning activities Language Focus Modes Warm-up: - Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson Spoken Interaction. Whole class 3’ by calling two pairs of pupils to the board to play Game. the game Food or drink? 1. Listen and repeat. - Tell pupils that they are going to practise saying Whole class the sounds of the letters f and sh in the words Individuals beef, leaf, and fish,dish respectively. - First, put the letters f and sh on the board. Play Whole class the recording and ask pupils to repeat a few times. Phonics 8’ Then put the words beef, leaf, and fish,dish and Individuals the four sentences on the board. Play the recording more than once, if necessary and let pupils say the Whole class words and the sentences, paying attention to the target sounds. - Do choral individual repetition of the sounds, words and sentences until pupils feel confident. ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ - Get some pupils to say the sentences in front of the class. Correct the pronunciation, if necessary. 2. Listen and tick. Then write and say aloud: Individuals 6’ - Tell pupils that they are going to listen to two sentences and circle the correct words. - Give them a few seconds to read the words in silence. - Play the recording once or twice for pupils to circle the words. Remind them to focus on the words with the sound ie/ea while listening. Check as a class. Then give pupils time to make Phonics Pairs/ groups sentences with the circled words. - Call a few pupils to read aloud their sentences and correct their pronunciation, if necessary. Key: 1.a, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b. Audio script 1. My favourite food is fish. 2. Would you like some beef? 3. What colour is this leaf, Mummy? 4. She likes this dish very much. 3. Let’s chant. - Introduce the chant and ask pupils to do a Whole class matching exercise before listening to the chant Individuals (You’re going to chant about favourite food and drink) Pairs - Check answers as a class. Then have pupils 10’ Spoken interaction repeat each line twice. Groups - Divide the class into pairs or groups to sit opposite of each other and practise chanting and doing the actions. Go around offering help, if necessary. - Call two pairs to the front of the class to chant ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ and do the actions. The rest of the class claps along the rhythm. 4. Read and complete: - Tell pupils that they are going to read the text Whole class and complete the table Individuals - Ask them to look at the text to find the Pairs information to fill the blanks. If necessary, get pupils to work in pairs or small groups. Check Groups undersatnding. 7’ - Give pupils time to do the task independently. Reading activities Go around offering help, if necessary. - Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class. Provide explanations to the answers, if necessary. Key: beef orange juice Chicken lemonade. 5. Write about your favourite food and drink: - Tell pupils that they are going to write about Whole class their favourite food and drink. Supportive Individuals - Have pupils work in pairs or groups to discuss activities to reinforce learning what they are going to write. Give them enough Pairs 5’ time to do the task independently. - Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class. If there is time, ask one pupil to write Words and Groups the answer on the board. structures Key: Pupils' own answers. 6. Project Whole class - Tell pupils that they are going to interview their Supportive classmates about their favourite food and drink activities to 5’ and then report the results to the class. reinforce learning Individual - Give them time to interview three of their classmates and fill the gaps in the table. Pairs ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ - Get some pupils to do a demonstration in front of the class + Example: Individual Here are the results of my interviews. Tien's favourite food is fish and his favourite drink is orange juice Thanks for listening. * Home link: Whole class -Learn by heart the chant, review all the food 1’ and drink. Anticipated problems: ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4
- Hoang Liet Primary School Teacher: Duong Hong Hanh ___ ___ Lesson Plan - Grade 4