Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Unit 16: Do you have any pets? - Lesson 1 - Lê Thị Minh Phương

goldfish / yes

Do you have any goldfish ?

Yes, I do.

Congratulation ! You have a lucky number.

parrots / yes

Do you have any parrots ?

Yes, I do.

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Unit 16: Do you have any pets? - Lesson 1 - Lê Thị Minh Phương

  1. Teacher: Le Thi Linh Phuong Quang Trung Primary School School year: 2015 - 2016
  2. Sing a song Linda has a little doll Linda has a little doll, Little doll, little doll. Linda has a little doll. Its dress is white and brown. Everywhere that Linda goes, Linda goes, Linda goes. Everywhere that Linda goes, That doll is sure to go.
  3. Game: Reordering have / Do / a plane ? / you have / Do / a ship ? / you => Do you have a plane ? => Do you have a ship ? I / Yes, / do. I / No, / don’t. => Yes, I do. => No, I don’t.
  4. Pets : vật nuôi
  5. Lesson 1 1. Look, listen and repeat.
  6. 2. Point and say Lesson 1 c
  7. 1 2 6 4 3 5
  8. goldfish / yes Do you have any goldfish ? Yes, I do.
  9. Congratulation ! You have a lucky number.
  10. parrots / yes Do you have any parrots ? Yes, I do.
  11. dogs / no Do you have any dogs ? No, I don’t.
  12. Congratulation ! You have a lucky number.
  13. rabbits / no Do you have any rabbits ? No, I don’t.
  14. Lesson 1 3. Let’s talk
  15. Look and write 1. Do you have any ___rabbits ? 2. I have two ___goldfish . 3. She has two ___cats 4. Do you have any ___parrots ? and a ___dog .
  16. - Practice to ask and answer about pets. - Learning the lesson by heart at home. - Preparing for the next lesson.