Giáo án học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3


- By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to:

+ acquaint a new language - English

+ Vocabulary: hi, hello, good morning, good afternoon, good bye

+ Obey teacher’s needs: textbook, workbook, learning lesson before going to the class …

- Practice: Listening, speaking

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  1. Week: 1 Teaching date: 3A: . 3B: Period 1: Opening lesson I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + acquaint a new language - English + Vocabulary: hi, hello, good morning, good afternoon, good bye + Obey teacher’s needs: textbook, workbook, learning lesson before going to the class - Practice: Listening, speaking II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, Cassette Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents 1. Warmer Sing a song - Let’s Ss sing a song * Greeting - Acquainting - Speak aloud the word: - Explain the words just spoke. - Give some pictures about England: map, Big Ben, - hello: Xin chào Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, The St. Paul’s hello. My name’s Hue. Cathedral, The House of Parliament 2. Introduction “ Tiếng anh 3 - 2 tập ” - Introduce the name of the book for grade 3 - State the parts of the - To consolidate and further practice about structures as textbook: It has 10 well as vocabulary doing exercises in workbook. units and 2 review in - Some conference books such as Vở bài tập Tiếng anh each book. Each unit lớp 3, vở tập viết Tiếng anh lớp 3 (2 tập), thực hành contains 3 lessons Tiếng anh lớp 3 (lesson 1, 2, 3) and - Some teaching materials: Pictures, Flash cards, Robot learned in 6 periods. teacher * State teacher’s needs have to obey : + Having to have textbook, workbook and notebook. + Taking note right and full. + Learning new word(s) and structure(s), doing exercises before the new lesson starts + Not talking when teacher is teaching - Listen and explain * Teaching some words - Read - Guide to read - Write 3. Practice - wave hand (high) Hello, hi : 1
  2. May I go out : go out the seat - hello May I come in : come back the seat - hi Goodbye : wave hand (low ) - May I go out? 4. Production: - May I come in? - Check Ss if remember the words or not by the way - good bye only give signals: wave hand, go out, come in 5. Home work: -Ask Ss to prepare the new lesson ___ Week: 1 Teaching date: 3A: Tuesday, August 18th 2015 3B: Wednesday, August 19th 2015 Period 2: UNIT 1: HELLO LESSON 1 (1 + 2 + 3) I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to greet and self-introduce - Practice: Listening - speaking + Vocabulary: hi, hello, I’m, nice to meet you + Grammar: Hello/Hi. I’m + name II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, Cassette Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Warmer - Use the icons, and then ask Ss to say in Look /Listen/ Say English. ps look at the icons and say: (Talk/Read)/Repeat /Check/Tick - Guide Ss to read in chorus. Ss read in Write/Match/Play/Number/Sing chorus 2. Presentation 1. Look, listen and repeat *Act 1: Ask Students to look at the picture in the part 1 and describe. (Who * New words: are they? What are they doing?) + hello/hi: Chào - Use puppets to present situation + I: tôi, tớ, mình . - Introduce new words +I am = I’m: Tôi là - Ask Sts to read new words. + nice to meet you: rất vui được gặp - Check vocabulary: Remember. bạn *Act 2: Introducing structures: 2. Point and say - Ask Ss to work in groups, read the *Sentence patterns: dialogue and find structure. Ss work in A: Hello/ Hi .I’m Mai. groups B: Hello/Hi Mai .I’m Nam. - Ask some Ss to greet and introduce * Pairs work their name. A: Hello/ Hi .I’m - Some Ss speak B: Hello/Hi I’m 2
  3. Period 62: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT break time? Lesson 2 (1 + 2 +3) I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + Express likes and dislikes - Practice: Listening – speaking + Vocabulary: skipping, skating, hide-and-seek, blind man’s bluff. + Grammar: Do you like + game/sport? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, book Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Warmer - Ask ps to ask and answer questions about S1: What do you do at break break-time activities time? - Give feed back S2: I play badminton. 2. Presentation 1. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at the picture P 66 to identify * New words: the characters. Tell them that they are going + skipping: nhảy dây to hear Mai, Linda, Nam and Tom talking + skating: trượt pa tanh about their like and dislike. + hide-and-seek: trò chơi trốn tìm - T reads dialogue first and introduces new + blind man’s bluff: trò chơi bịt words and sentence patterns mắt bắt dê - Guide Ss to read new words and patterns in chorus, in individual 2. Point and say - Ask Ss to listen and repeat each line of the * Patterns: Express likes and dialogue dislikes - Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue Do you like + game/sport? - Call on some pairs to practice. Yes, I do/No, I don’t. 3. Practice - Have Ss to look at pictures a, b, c, d on P 66 and identify the activities in the Pic. a. T: Do you like skipping? - Ask ps to repeat the phrases and perform them a few time S: Yes, I do. - Point Pic. a and ask Ss to answer the question: Do you like skipping? b. S1: Do you like skating? Fill in the speech bubble S2: Yes, I do. - Have Ss repeat question and answer a few times 4. Production - Ask Ss to practice expressing likes and dislikes. 3. Let’s talk Ps work in pairs (open pair) 78
  4. - Call some pairs to perform the task - Give feed back S1: Do you like skating? 5. Homework S2: Yes, I do. - Learn by heart the new words and the patterns. - Do EX B P 41 in WB. ___ Week: 16 Teaching date: 3A: Wednesday, December 2nd 2015 3B: Thursday, December 3rd 2015 Period 63: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT break time? Lesson 2 (4 +5 +6) I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + Further practice expressing likes and dislikes - Practice: Listening – reading + Vocabulary: review + Grammar: Do you like + game/sport? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. (review) II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, book Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Warmer - Ask Ss express likes and dislikes - Give feed back S1: Do you like skating? S2: Yes, I do. 2. Pre- reading 4. Listen and number - Ask ps to look at the pictures p 67 to express *Tape scripts: someone like game and sport - Ps write in their book - Play the tape twice - Ps listen and number - Call on a volunteer go to the board and number. * Answer key - Ps go to the board and number 1. 2. 3. 4. - Play the tape again - Give correct answer 3. While- reading - Ask ps to read and complete the senteces 5. Read and write - Ps work pairs * Answer key - Call on some volunteers to go to the board and 1. table tennis match. 2. like chess - Ps go to the board and write - another read the 3. They like badminton 79
  5. sentences - Give correct answer - Ps read all sentences 4. Post - reading - Ps look at the song page 67 - Play the tape twice: once for ps to listen all the 6. Let’ s sing way through and once for ps to sing along one by Hide-and-seek one. - Play the tape for ps to sing along. - Ps work in group of 6 to sing aloud. - Call on some groups to perform the song. - Give feed back 5. Homework - Learn by heart the song - Do EX C P 42 in WB. ___ Week: 16 Teaching date: 3A: Thursday, December 3rd 2015 3B: Friday, December 4th 2015 Period 64: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT break time? Lesson 3 (1 + 2 + 3) I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + Further practice expressing likes and dislikes - Practice: Listening – reading + Vocabulary: review + Grammar: Do you like + game/sport? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. (review) II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, book Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Warmer - Ask Ss express likes and dislikes S1: Do you like skating? - Give feed back S2: Yes, I do. 4. Listen and number 2. Pre- reading *Tape scripts: - Ask ps to look at the pictures p 67 to express someone like game and sport - Ps write in their book - Play the tape twice - Ps listen and number * Answer key - Call on a volunteer go to the board and number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 80
  6. - Ps go to the board and number - Play the tape again - Give correct answer 3. While- reading 5. Read and write - Ask ps to read and complete the senteces * Answer key - Ps work pairs 1. table tennis - Call on some volunteers to go to the board and 2. like chess match. 3. They like badminton - Ps go to the board and write - another read the sentences - Give correct answer - Ps read all sentences 4. Post - reading - Ps look at the song page 67 6. Let’ s sing - Play the tape twice: once for ps to listen all the Hide-and-seek way through and once for ps to sing along one by one. - Play the tape for ps to sing along. - Ps work in group of 6 to sing aloud. - Call on some groups to perform the song. - Give feed back 5. Homework - Learn by heart the song - Do EX C P 42 in WB. ___ Week: 17 Teaching date: 3A: Tuesday, December 8th 2015 3B: Monday, December 7th 2015 Period 65: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT break time? Lesson 3 (4 +5 +6) I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + Further practice expressing likes and dislikes - Practice: Listening – reading + Vocabulary: review + Grammar: Do you like + game/sport? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. (review) II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, book Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Warmer - Ask Ss express likes and dislikes - Give feed back S1: Do you like skating? 81
  7. S2: Yes, I do. 2. Pre- reading 4. Listen and number - Ask ps to look at the pictures p 67 to express *Tape scripts: someone like game and sport - Ps write in their book - Play the tape twice - Ps listen and number - Call on a volunteer go to the board and number. * Answer key - Ps go to the board and number 1. 2. 3. 4. - Play the tape again - Give correct answer 3. While- reading - Ask ps to read and complete the senteces 5. Read and write - Ps work pairs * Answer key - Call on some volunteers to go to the board and 1. table tennis match. 2. like chess - Ps go to the board and write - another read the 3. They like badminton sentences - Give correct answer - Ps read all sentences 4. Post - reading - Ps look at the song page 67 - Play the tape twice: once for ps to listen all the 6. Let’ s sing way through and once for ps to sing along one by Hide-and-seek one. - Play the tape for ps to sing along. - Ps work in group of 6 to sing aloud. - Call on some groups to perform the song. - Give feed back 5. Homework - Learn by heart the song - Do EX C P 42 in WB. ___ Week: 17 Teaching date: 3A: Tuesday, December 8th 2015 3B: Wednesday, December 9th 2015 Period 66: review 2 I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + review the sentences patterns from unit 6 to 10in listening and reading. - Practice: Listening - reading + Vocabulary: review 82
  8. + Grammar: review II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, Cassette,Card Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Warm up: Ask ps to practice in pairs - Review the model sentences from unit1 to unit 5 2. Presetation: *Act 1: Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1 Listen and tick 5 on page 70 of the Student Book. Give the identification of the characters in the pictures and Give the identification the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess the answer - Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the Listen and tick answer with the partner. - Play the recording again pupils check their answers. T give the answer: - Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ * Answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; comprehension of the listening text. 3 – b; 4 – a. *Act 2: Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page of the Student Book. Elicit the 2. Listen and number identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and match the information they hear to the pictures. They should number the boxes. Guess the answer - Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and Work individually number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. Listen and tick - Play the recording again pupils check their answers. T give the answer: * Answer: 1. 2. 3. - Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ 4. comprehension of the listening text. 3. Practice: 3. Read and complete *Act 3: Work individually -T explains the situation and how to do the exercise -Ask students to read the dialogue in the book and fill the words given to complete the dialogue. Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in * Answer: 1. school 2. pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to Playground 3. room 4. and give the remark. Quan Correct the pronunciation. 83
  9. *Act 4: 4. Read and match - Whole class. Have pupils turn their books to page 37. Tell pupils that they are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to Work in pairs match the sentences to the sentences. - Pupils read the sentences individually and do the task. Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary. - Pair works. Have pupils trade their answers for correction. - Call on some pupils to report their answers. The rest of the class listen give comments. - Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the sentences. - Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. Answer: 1.e 2. c 3. a 4.c 5. d 5. Look and say 4. Production: Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on Page Pair works 71. Elicit the characters in the pictures and their names. Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech bubbles. - Model: Call on a pair. Allocate the parts of the characters Mai and Nam to the pupils. Ask them to act out the dialogues. Using the pictures in their books. Monitor the activity and offer help. Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation) when necessary. - Call on some pairs to perform their task in front of the class. The rest of the class observe and give comments. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. 5.Homework - Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the Do exercises in the new words workbook ___ Week: 17 Teaching date: 3A: Wednesday, December 9th 2015 3B: Thursday, December 10th 2015 Period 67: review 2 I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to: + review the sentences patterns from unit 6 to 10in listening and reading. - Practice: Listening - reading + Vocabulary: review 84
  10. + Grammar: review II. PREPARATION: T: Picture, postcard, Cassette,Card Ss: Books, notebooks, pens III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Warm up: - Review the model sentences Ask ps to practice in pairs from unit 6 to unit 10 2. Presentation: *Act 1: Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 1. Fill the gaps. Then listen 5, 6, 7 and 8 on page 72 of the Student Book. and check Give the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words. Ss guess Give the identification the suitable words to fill in the blank. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and check their answers Listen and answer T’s questions - Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen. Check their guess. - Make a few questions to check pupils’ Answer: 1. Hello 2. Meet you comprehension of the story 3. Your/ Yes - Play the recording again pupils listen to the 4. chair/ armchair story and check Ss’ answers 3. Practice: 2. Ask and answer the *Act 2: Ask students to read the story in the questions book and find out the answers for the questions. Work in pairs to do the exercise Work in pairs then practice in pairs in front of the whole Answer: 1. It is white class. The rest listen to and give the remark. 2. No, it isn’t Correct the pronunciation. 3. It is red *Act 3: Have Ps work in group. Read the 4. It’s big story again and order the sentences to make the meaningful dialogue. 3. Number the sentences. Then Pair works. Have pupils trade their answers act out in pairs for correction. - Call on some pairs to report their answers. Work in group The rest of the class listen give comments. Pair work - Make a few questions to check pupils’ * Answer: 1. Miu: Maurice, this comprehension of the sentences. is Chit. - Have the whole class read each sentence in 1. Chit: Please to meet you, chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. Maurice 2. Maurice: Please to meet you too 3. Chit: Is this your house? 4. Production: 4. Maurice: Yes, it is. 5. Chit: It’s big! 85
  11. *Act 4: Whole class. Have pupils turn their 6. Maurice: That’s right. books to page 73. Tell pupils that they are 4. Put the words in the correct going to read the story to get the information order in order to order the words given. - Pupils order the words to make meaningful Work individually sentences individually and do the task. Monitor the activity and offer help when Answer: necessary. 1. Is that your chair? - Have pupils trade their answers for 1. Do you like hide-and- correction. seek? - Call on some pupils to report their answers. 2. Pleased to meet you too. The rest of the class listen give comments. 3. Let’s play hide – and – - Make a few questions to check pupils’ seek. comprehension of the sentences. Is this your house? - Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. 5.Homework Do exercises in the workbook - Do exercises in workbook, review the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns from units 6 - 10. ___ Week: 17 Teaching date: 3A: Thursday, December 10th 2015 3B: Friday, December 11th 2015 Period 68: CHECK THE FIRST SEMESTER I. OBJECTIVES: -By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to use the knowledges which they learnt in the first semester and apply to do the tests. -Vocabulary: Review -Phonics: Review -Sentence patterns: (review) the sentence pattern from Units 1-10. - Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing. II. PREPARATIONS: -Teacher: Excersices, Paper tests - Students:Pens, rulers III. PROCEDURES: QUESTIONS I. Vocabulary and grammar. 1. Choose the best answer A, B or C (1,5 points) 1. Hello, My . is Long. A. name B. is C. I am 2. What is name? A. name B. my C. your 3. How do you . your name? 86
  12. A. what B. is C. spell 4. this a library? - Yes, it is. A. Is B. who C. What 5. What do . do at break time? - I play badminton A. I B. you C. he 6. These my pencils. They are red. A. am B. is C. are II. Listening. 2. Listen and tick. (1,5 points) 3. Listen and number. (1point) 4. Listen and write. (1point) 87
  13. III. Reading and writing. 5. Read and match. (1point) 1. Is your book big? a. Yes, they are 2. Are these your pencils? b. I play table tennis 3. What colour is your ruler? c. Yes, It is 4. What do you do at break time? d. It’s blue 6. Read and write. (1point) Hello, My name is Minh. These are my friends, Phong, Lan, Nga, Linh and Ha. At break time, we play games and sports in the Schoolyard. Phong and I play chess. Lan and Nga play badminton. Linh and Ha play table tennis. 1. His name is___ 2. Minh and Phong play___ 3. Lan and Nga play___ 4. Linh and Ha play___ 7. Read and complete. (1point) seven Linda yellow hello A : (1) ___, I’m Mai. What’s your name? B : My name’s (2) ___. A : How old are you? B : I’m (3) ___ years old. A : What colour is your school bag? 88
  14. B : It’s (4) ___. 8. Rewrite the sentences. (1point) 1. books/ are/ my/ These. ___ 2. What/ break time/ do/ at/ do/ you/? ___ IV. Speaking: Interview (1point) ___ Period 69: CORRECT THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST I. OBJECTIVE: - By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to review how they have done the first semester tests and correct the test. Help them remark and remember the knowledge they learnt in the first term. - Vocabulary: Review - Phonics: Review - Sentence patterns: (review) the sentence pattern from Units 1-10. - Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing. II. PREPARATION: -Teacher: Excersices, Paper tests - Students:Pens, rulers III. PROCEDURE: ANSWER KEYS FOR GRADE 3 I. Vocabulary and grammar. 1. Choose the best answer A, B or C (1,5 points, 0,25 x 6) 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C II. Listening. 2. Listen and tick. (1,5 points, 0,5 x 3) 1. b 2. b 3. a 3. Listen and number. (1point, 0,25 x 4) 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 4. Listen and write. (1point, 0,5 x 5) 1. It 2. orange III. Reading and writing. 5. Read and match. (1point, 0,25 x 4) 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 6. Read and write. (1point, 0,25 x 4) 1. Minh 2. chess. 3. badminton 4. table tennis. 7. Read and complete. (1point, 0,25 x 4) 1. Hello 2. Linda 3. seven 4. yellow 89
  15. 8. Rewrite the sentences. (1point, 0,5 x 2) 1.These are my books. 2. What do you do at break time? IV. Speaking: Interview (1point, 0,25 x 4) Students’ answers 90