Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Unit 10: What do you do at break time? - Đỗ Thị Hương

Vocabulary: break time, play, badminton, football, chess, basketball, table tennis.

Sentence patterns:

A: What do you do at break time?

B: I play………..

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  1. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? Lesson 1(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Ask and answer questions about break-time activities. Language Vocabulary: break time, play, badminton, football, chess, basketball, table focus tennis. Sentence patterns: A: What do you do at break time? B: I play Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes 1. Warm-up: - Have Ss chant “What colour is Chant W-Class 3’ it?” Individual 2. -T follows the steps of presenting break time, play, W-class Vocabulary: new words. badminton, football, Individual chess, basketball, table 2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. tennis. - Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture on page 64 and what they are doing. - Set the scene “you are going to Sentence patterns: W-class listen to Linda and Mai asking A:What do you do at Groups 3. Look, listen about some games. break time? and repeat - Play the recording and asks Ss B: I play badminton. Pairs (10’) to listen to the tape twice. - Ask Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times. - Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation. - Tell Ss that they are going to practise asking and answering the question: What do you do at break time? - Teach the vocabulary: chess, 1
  2. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong 4. Point and basketball, table tennis. Practice: word cues say: 10’ -Have Ss repeat in choral and a/ football W-class individual. b/ basketball Groups - Point to the first picture and c/ chess Pairs elicit the word to fill the gap. d/ table tennis W-class - Put the sentence on the board. - Have Ss repeat a few times - Get Ss to make the same sentence, using the picture in the book. - Call some Ss to speak aloud. - Correct their pronunciation if needed. - Tell Ss that they are going to practise more with their friends. - Give a few seconds for Ss to Individual look at the pictures and identify Sentence patterns: Groups each game A: What do you do at Pairs - Ask Ss to fill in the blank. break time? - Put the sentence on the board 5. Let’s talk and do chotal and individual B: I play football/ table :8’ repetition. tennis/ chess/ - Get Ss to work in pairs, using basketball the picture in the book. - Go around to offer help - Correct the pronunciation, if necessary. - Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. -Ask Ss to learn by heart W-class :2’ the games at home. Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? Lesson 1(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Ask and answer questions about break-time activities, improve listening 2
  3. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong and reading skills. Language Vocabulary: break time, badminton, football, chess, basketball, table tennis. focus Sentence patterns: A: What do you do at break time? B: I play Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Call a few pairs the front of the Model: class to ask and answer the A: What do you do at 1. Warm-up: W-Class question: break time? 3’ Pairs A: What do you do at break time? B: I play football/ table B: I play + game tennis/ chess/ basketball 2. -T follows the steps of presenting break time, badminton, W-class Vocabulary: new words. football, chess, basketball, Individual 2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. table tennis - Tell Ss that they are going to listen and tick the correct boxes next the pictures. - Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures. W-class - Play the recording 3 times 3. Listen and through for Ss to listen and tick *Answers:1.b; 2.b; 3.a Individual tick: 10’ the correct answers. Pairs - Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class. - Call some Ss to read loud their answers. - Listen and give feedback. - Tell Ss what they are going to fill the gap. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the text. 4. Read and - Elicit the words filling the gaps. Key: write: 10’ W-class - Ask Ss to read individually 1. chess silently and complete the 2. table tennis Individual sentences. 3. badminton Pairs - Go around to offer help if 3
  4. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong necessary. - Get Ss to swap and check their answers with their friends. - Ask Ss to read their answers aloud to the class. - Tell Ss that they are going to write about their activities at break time. - Check comprehension and give feedback. - Give Ss 2 mins to do the task. 5. Write about Key: - Get Ss to swap and check their W-class you :8’ I play + (Ss’own games.) answers before writing the correct Individual answers on the board for Ss to copy down into their notebooks. - Call some Ss to write their sentences on the board. - Read and correct if needed. -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. - Have Ss learn by heart W-class 6. Homelink the vocabulary about :2’ games at home. Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? Lesson 2(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Ask and answer about games they like playing at break time , develop speaking skill. - Develop speaking and listening skills. Language Vocabulary: like, hide – and – seek, skipping, skating, blind man’s bluff focus Sentence patterns: a,A: Do you like badminton ? B: Yes, I do b,A: Do you like hide- and- seek? B: No, I don’t. Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE 4
  5. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes 1. Warm-up: - Call some Ss go to the board and W-Class 3’ recall some new words. Group 2. -T follows the steps of presenting like, hide – and – seek, Vocabulary: new words. skipping, skating, blind W-class 2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. man’s bluff Individual - Have Ss look at the pictures a, b, c, d on page 66. - Elicit the actives in the pictures and their doing. - Tell them to guess and respond to the first character. Then fill the Model sentence: speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by Ss. A: Do you like playing - Have ss repeat a few times. badminton ? W-class - T models the dialogue B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Groups A: Do you like playing badminton I like playing chess Pairs ? B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t. I like playing chess 3. Look, listen - Have the whole class repeat all and repeat: the phrases. 10’ - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation ( sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and offer help when necessary. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have the whole class repeat the question and answer in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. - Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering 4. Point and questions Do you like + Key: say: 10’ (activity)? 1. skipping/yes W-class - Draw Ss’ attention to the 2. skating/yes Groups 5
  6. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong pictures. 3. hide-and-seek/no Pairs - Check comprehension and teach 4. blind man’s bluff/no W-class the new vocabulary: like, hide – and – seek, skipping, skating, blind man’s bluff - Read loud the vocabulary a few times, have Ss repeat chorally and individually - Have Ss repeat the text in bubbles a few times. - Point to the pictures and elicit the words to fill the gaps. - Put the sentences on the board. - Have class repeat the question and the answer. - Have Ss repeat a few times chorally and individually. - Ask Ss to practise in pairs - Call some Ss to practise in front of the class. - Tell Ss that they are going practise more with their friends - Give Ss 3 seconds to look at the pictures, elicit the name of each activity. - Ask Ss to predict the information they have to fill in the gaps. - Call some Ss to read loud their Sentence patterns: W-Class 5. Let’s talk prediction. A:Do you like + (activity) Individual :8’ - Have some Ss make their ? W-class sentences based on these pictures B: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t - Put them on the board and have Ss repeat them a few times. - Do the first picture as example if Ss don’t understand. - Ask Ss work in pairs in 5 mins - Call some pairs to act out the dialogue - Give comments. 6
  7. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. - Ask Ss to practise asking W-class 6. Homelink and answering about the :2’ activities at home. Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? Lesson 2(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Talk about activities they like playing at break time , develop listening and reading skill. Language Vocabulary: like, hide – and – seek, skipping, skating, blind man’s bluff focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Tell Ss that they are going to ask Model: 1. Warm-up: and answer the structure: A: Do you like chess? W-Class 3’ A: Do you like + (activity) B: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t Pairs B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t 2. -T recalls all the new words. like, hide – and – seek, W-class Vocabulary: -Sts follows T’s instructions. skipping, skating, blind Individual 2’ man’s bluff - Ask Ss to pay attention to 4 pictures on page 67 then identify the activities Key: - Ask Ss to predict the order of 1. c W-class these picture. 2. b Individual - Write their prediction on the board. 3. d W-class 3. Listen and - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and 4. a number: 10’ choose , number the right picture then write the number in the picture Ss hear. - Play the tape three times to listen - Call some Ss to read loud their answer with their explanations. 7
  8. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong - Play the tape again to check their predicts with their answers - Give feedback and comments. - Read loud the text and the sentences in exercise 5. - Ask Ss to work in pairs in 5 mins to read and fill the correct Key: W-class word phrases for the exercise 1. table tennis Pairs 4. Read and - Go around to help Ss 2. like chess Individual write: 10’ - Get Ss to write their answers on 3. They like badminton the board. - Check and correct mistakes - Ask Ss to read aloud all sentences. - Ask Ss to open their Student’s book on page 67. Tell them that they are going to sing the Hide – and – seek song. - Play the recording 3 times for Ss to get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the W-class 5. Let’s sing song. Sing the song. Individual :8’ - Play the recording again, pausing after each line for Ss to repeat. - Play the recording once more for Ss to repeat the whole song. - Call on some Ss to sing the song in front of the class. The rest of the class clap their hands at rhythms. -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. Have Ss to sing the song W-class 6. Homelink Hide – and – seek at :2’ home. Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? 8
  9. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Lesson 3(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Listen and repeat words, listen and write. - Do the chant “What do you do at break time?” - Develop Ss writing and listening skills. Language Vocabulary: break time focus Phonic: bl, sk Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes 1. Warm-up: - Sing the My new pen song. W-Class 3’ Sing the song Group 2. Phonics: -T introduce the phonics: bl, sk. bl, sk W-class 2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. Individual -T shows the words, models the phonics “bl,sk”, asks ss to repeat bl blind Do you like W-class 3. Listen and phonics. blind man’s bluff? repeat: 10’ Individual -Ss try to read “bl,sk” and “blind, sk skate I like skating. skate”. - Ask Ss to pay attention to exercise 2 on page 68. - Ask Ss to read 2 sentences and guess the missing information. Modes: - Play the tape 3 times and ask Ss W-class to listen carefully. 1. I don’t like chess. I like Individual 4. Listen and - Ask Ss to write the words they blind man’s bluff. W-class write: 10’ hear then exchange the information with their partner. 2. They like skating. - Call some Ss to write their answers on the board. - Play the tape again and check with whole class - Check and give feedback. - Play the tape “ What do you do at break time?” for Ss to listen 5. Let’s chant while they are reading the chant :8’ in their books. 9
  10. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong - Call on a group of six: three of them to repeat each line of the chant. W-class - Show Ss how to say the chant What do you do at break Individual and do the actions. time? Group - Play the recording a few times for Ss to do choral and individual repetition. - Have Ss practice the chant in groups and clap the syllables. - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors. - Call on a group to recite the chant. The others clap the syllables - Listen and give comments. -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. Have Ss to practise 6. Homelink chanting “What do you W-class :2’ do at break time?”at home. Week: Date of teaching: Period Date of planning: UNIT 10: WHAT DO YOU DO AT BREAK TIME? Lesson 3(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Read and do matching. - Develop Ss writing skills. Language Pattern: “Review”.; Vocab: Review focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes 1. Warm-up: - Have Ss chant “What do you Chant W-Class 3’ do at break time?” Group 2. -T recalls all the new words. Review W-class 10
  11. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Vocabulary: -Sts follows T’s instructions. Individual 2’ - Tell Ss that they are going to read the sentences on the left and pair them with those on the right by drawing a line between them. - Give a few second for Ss to read Answers: W-class the text in silence. Check comprehension and give 1 – b; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – d; Individual feedback. W-class 3. Read and - Give 4 mins for Ss to do the task match: 10’ in pairs. - Go around to offer help if necessary. - Get Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. - Call a few open pairs to read the dialogues. - Tell Ss that they are going to write about themselves. Give a few seconds for them to look at Key: W-class the pictures. Ss’s own answers. Individual - Ask Ss do the task. W-class 4. Write about - Check their answers. you: 10’ - Call a few Ss to read their answesrs aloud. - Tell Ss that they are going to play Bingo game. - Explain how the game is played. 5. Project :8’ Play the game. W-class - Ask Ss to make sentences with the words crossed. - Give comment. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss take note. - Have Ss play game at W-class :2’ home. 11