Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Unit 7: That's my school - Đỗ Thị Hương

- Greet the class.

- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by playing a game of Simon says.

- Get Ss to sing the song Come in and sit down

- Draw Ss attention to the title of the unit and check their comprehension. Have them repeat once or twice.

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  1. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Week: 11 Date of teaching: Period 41st Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 1(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Use the words and phrases related to the topic My school, talk about the school facilities, using That is the + (school facility). - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills. Language Pattern: “That is the + (school facility) ”; Vocab: big, classroom, small, focus gym, library, computer, room, playground Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Greet the class. - Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by playing a game of Simon says. Sing the song W-Class 1. Warm-up: - Get Ss to sing the song Come in Individual 1’ and sit down - Draw Ss attention to the title of the unit and check their comprehension. Have them repeat once or twice. 2. -T follows the steps of presenting big, classroom, small, W-class Vocabulary: new words. gym, library, computer, Individual 10’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. room, playground Goal: Tell Ss that they are going to talk about the school and the school facilities, using That is the + (school facility). 3. Look, listen Context: Point to the first picture and repeat and elicit the name of the That is the + (school W-class (4’) characters and what they say. facility). Groups Explain the dialogue and have Ss Individual repeat the text a few times. Content: That is the + (school facility). 1
  2. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Model: Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. - Play the recording for Ss to listen and say along. - Tell Ss that they are going to practice saying That is the + (school facility). - Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures and read the text. Have Ss repeat the new words a few times. Practice: word cues W-class - Point to the first picture and a/ gym Groups 4. Point and elicit the words to fill the gaps. b/ library Pairs say: 4’ - Write all the sentences on the c/ computer room W-class board and have Ss repeat them d/ playground once or twice. Repeat the procedure with the other pictures. - Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking - Get Ss to work in pair. Check as a class. - Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with their friends. - Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures and check Language note: their understanding by elicit the - Remind Ss to use This is name of each school facility for something that is Individual 5. Let’s talk:7’ - Ask Ss to fill the gaps nearby and That is for Groups something that is far - Put all the sentences on the Pairs away. board. Get Ss to choral and individual repetition a few times. - Get Ss to work in pairs. Using the pictures in the book. - Call some pairs to act out the 2
  3. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong dialogue in front of the class. - Correct the pronunciation, if necessary. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. - Revising That is the + W-class :1’ (school facility). Week: 11 Date of teaching: Period 42nd Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 1(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Listen to dialogues talk about the school facilities using That is the + (school facility). Language Pattern: “review.”; Vocab: way, early, focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Revising the previous lesson by playing a game of Slap the board, W-Class 1. Warm-up: using the vocab learnt. Play the game Group 1’ - Have class say This is or that is ., using the picture cards. 2. -T follows the steps of presenting way, early, W-class Vocabulary: new words. Individual 10’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. Goal: Tell Ss that they are going to listen and tick the correct boxes under the pictures. Show Ss how W-class to tick the boxes. *Answers:1.b; 2.c; 3.a Individual 3. Listen and Context: Draw their attention to W-class tick: 4’ the picture. Check Ss’ understanding by elicit the name of the school facilities and give feedback. Doing: Play the recording three 3
  4. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong times for Ss to listen, do the task and check their answers. - Tell Ss not to worry if they cannot understand every word and that they should pay attention to the order and match the recording with the pictures. - Get Ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class. - Tell Ss that they are going to look at the pictures and fill the gaps with the appropriate words. Key: - Give Ss a few seconds to look at 1/ classroom the pictures read the texts in 2/ library W-class silence. 3/ computer room Individual - Check comprehension and give 4/ gym W-class feedback. 4. Look, read Give Ss time to do the task and go and write: 4’ round to offer help, if necessary. Get Ss to work in pairs - Get Ss to swap and check their answer before calling different individuals to read the sentences aloud. - Write the correct answers on the board for Ss to correct each other’s answers. - Tell Ss that they are going to sing the This is the way we go to school song. Teach the song. W-class Read the lyrics, check This is the way we go to Individual comprehension and give 5. Let’s sing school Pairs feedback. :4’ - Sing each line of the song and have pupils repeat a few times (using fingers to trace the letters). When Ss feel confident with the tune and the actions. 4
  5. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong - Get Ss to sit face to face and work in group to practise singing and doing the actions - Repeat the same procedure once or twice until Ss can sing from memory. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. Ss learn all the new words W-class :1’ at home. Week: 11 Date of teaching: Period 43rd Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 2(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Students will be able to: Ask and respond the question Is the + (school facility) + (adjective)? - Develop speaking and listening skills. Language Pattern: Is the + (school facility) + (adjective)?. Vocab: new, big, small, focus large Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Revising the previous lesson by W-Class 1. Warm-up: singing the This is the way we go 1’ Sing the song Individual to school song. 2. -T follows the steps of presenting new, big, small, large W-class Vocabulary: new words. Individual 10’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. Goal: Tell Ss that they are going to ask and answer questions Is the + (school facility) + (adjective)? W-class Check understanding. Is the school big? Groups Context: Elicit the names of the Yes, it is Pair 3. Look, listen characters in the first picture and and repeat: 4’ No, it isn’t explain what they say. - Show Ss how to find the answer 5
  6. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong by reading the text in the speech bubbles. Content: Is the school big? Yes, it is No, it isn’t Model: Have Ss repeat the language a few times. - Repeat the procedure with the second picture. - Do choral and individual, pointing to the characters speaking. - Play the recording for Ss to listen and say along. - Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering the W-class question Is the + (school facility) Picture cues: Groups + (adjective)? a/ school, new/yes Pairs - Point to the first picture and b/ gym, big/yes W-class elicit the words to fill the gaps. c/ library, old/no 4. Point and - Put the questions and answers d/ playground, large/no say: 4’ on the board and have Ss repeat each one a few times. - Divide the class into two groups to do choral and individual repetition. - Get Ss to work in pair. Check as a class. - Tell Ss that they are going to W-Class practice more with their friends. Is the___? Pairs - Draw Ss’ attention to the W-class 5. Let’s talk pictures and elicit the language :4’ that the characters might use. Elicit the words to fill the gaps. Put the sentences on the board and do choral and individual 6
  7. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong repetition. - Get Ss to work in pairs. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Call a few pairs to act out the greetings and responses in front of the class. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. -The vocabulary. W-class :1’ Week: 11 Date of teaching: Period 44th Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 2(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Listen to dialogues about ask and answer about school facilities and numbers the correct boxes under the pictures. Language Pattern: “Review”. Vocab: Review focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Revising the previous lesson by calling a pair to the front of the class to act out the question Is the + (school facility) + - Sing the song. W-Class 1. Warm-up: (adjective)? Group 1’ Yes, it is No, it isn’t - Have the class sing the song This is the way we go to school 2. -T recalls all the new words. W-class Vocabulary: -Sts follows T’s instructions. review Individual 10’ Goal: Tell Ss that they are going 3. Listen and to listen and number the correct number: 4’ boxes under the pictures. Show Ss 7
  8. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong how to number the boxes. Key: Context: Draw their attention to 1. b W-class the pictures. Check Ss’ 2. d Individual understanding. Give feedback. 3. a W-class Repeat the procedure with the rest 4. c of the pictures. Doing: Play the recording three times for Ss to listen, do the task and check their answers. - Tell Ss not to worry if they cannot understand every word and that they should pay attention to the order and match the recording with the pictures. - Get Ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class. - Tell Ss that they are going to read the text and circle the correct Answers: words. 1/ big W-class 4. Read and - Ask Ss to work in pairs. 2/ small Pairs circle: 4’ - Check their answers. 3/ new Individual - Call individual Ss to read the 4/ big sentences aloud. - Tell Ss that they’re going to write about their school. Key: - Check comprehension and give 1/ 5. Write about feedback. 2/ W-class your school - Ask Ss to do the task. 3/ Individual :4’ - Check their answers. 4/ - Call four Ss write their answers on the board and give them comments. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. - Learn all the vocabulary W-class :1’ and structures at home. Week: 12 Date of teaching: 8
  9. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong Period 45th Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 3(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Listen and repeat words, listen and write. - Do the chant “Is your school new?”. - Develop Ss writing and listening skills. Language Pattern: : “Is your ?”; Phonics: g, l. focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - Revising the previous lesson by calling some Ss to read the W-Class 1. Warm-up: answer in Ex 6 in front of the Sing the song Group 1’ class Individual - Sing the This is the way we go to school song. 2. Phonics: -T introduce the phonics: f, s. g, l W-class 10’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. Individual -T shows the words, models the phonics “g,l”, asks ss to repeat g gym The gym is old. W-class 3. Listen and phonics. repeat: 4’ l look Look at the school. Individual -Ss try to read “g,l” and “gym, look”. - Tell Ss that they are going to do the dictation. Give Ss a few seconds to read the text in silence before starting the dictation. - Have Ss swap and check their 1/ The school is large. W-class 4. Listen and answers before checking as a 2/ at the library. Individual write: 4’ class. Write the correct answers W-class on the board for Ss to copy down into their notebooks. - Gets Ss to work in pairs and practice saying the sentences. 9
  10. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong - Tell Ss that they are going to say the Is your school new? chant. Read the chant and check Is your school new? comprehension. Is your school new? - Play the recording a few times Yes, it is. It’s new. for Ss to do choral and individual Is your school big? repetition. Show Ss how to chant Yes, it is. It’s big. and do the actions. Call two Is your classroom large? W-class groups of four to give a No, it isn’t. It’ small. Individual demonstration. 5. Let’s chant Is your playground small? Group :4’ - Get groups of Ss to sit face to No, it isn’t. It large. face and practice chanting and doing the actions. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and do the actions. Swap roles after the first round. The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm of the chant. 6. Homelink -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. - Revising the Is your W-class :1’ school new? Chant. Week: 12 Date of teaching: Period 46th Date of planning: UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 3(Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Read and do matching. - Use the words and phrases related to the topic My school - Develop Ss reading and writing skills. Language Pattern: “Review”.; Vocab: Review focus Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes 1. Warm-up: - Revising Chant W-Class 10
  11. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong 1’ Is the school big? Group Yes, it is No, it isn’t - Have the class say the Who’s that? Chant. 2. -T recalls all the new words. Review W-class Vocabulary: -Sts follows T’s instructions. Individual 10’ - Tell Ss that they are going to read all the sentences on the left and match them with those on the right the sentences - Give a few seconds for Ss to Answers: W-class read the text in silence. Check 1 – d; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – b; Individual comprehension and give feed W-class 3. Read and back. match: 4’ - Give Ss time to do the task. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Get Ss to swap and correct their answers before checking as a class. - Call a few open pairs to read the dialogues. - Tell Ss that they are going to read the text and fill the gaps. - Give Ss a few seconds to look at the picture and read the texts in Key: W-class silence. 1. playground Pairs - Check comprehension and give 2. It W-class feedback. 3. gym 4. Read and Give Ss time to do the task and go 4. classroom complete: 4’ round to offer help, if necessary. 5. nice Get Ss to work in pairs - Get Ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class. Write the correct answers on the 11
  12. Moc Ly Primary School English 3 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong board for Ss to copy down into their notebooks. - Call some Ss to read the sentences aloud. - Tell Ss that they are going to write the names of the room in the school. Check understanding. - Get Ss to prepare the necessary school things to carry out the project. Write the name of the W-class - Give Ss time to do the project in rooms. class. Get Ss to work in groups. Go around to offer help. 5. Project :4’ - Call several individuals to the front of the class to present their labels , using This is gym. They are my friends. - Have Ss stick their drawing on the walls of the classroom. - Have the class sing the This is the way we go to school song to end the class. -T tells the homelink, ss take note. - Read the text again and W-class 6. Homelink write down part 5 into the :1’ notebook. 12