Ôn tập học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2016-2017

1.Good morning (chào buổi sáng )

2.How are you ?(Bạn có khỏe không?)

3.What’s your name ?(Tên của bạn là gì ?)

4.How do you spell your name ?

(Bạn đánh vần tên như thế nào ? )

5.How old are you ?(Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi ?)

6.what class are you in?(Bạn học lớp gì?)

7.what is the name of your school?(tên trường bạn là gì)

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Nội dung text: Ôn tập học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2016-2017

  1. Ôn tập học kì 1 (2016-2017) I) Speaking ( Nói) answer ( Đáp lại) 1.Good morning (chào buổi sáng ) 2.How are you ?(Bạn có khỏe không?) 3.What’s your name ?(Tên của bạn là gì ?) 4.How do you spell your name ? (Bạn đánh vần tên như thế nào ? ) 5.How old are you ?(Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi ?) 6.what class are you in?(Bạn học lớp gì?) 7.what is the name of your school?(tên trường bạn là gì) 8.what is this ? (Cái gì đây ?) 9.what is that ? (Cái gì kia ? ) 10.what are these?(Những cái gì đây ? 11.what are those ?(Những cái gì kia ?) . 12. who is this ? (Ai đây ? ) 13.who is that ? (Ai kia ? ) 14. Is that Linda ? x ( kia có phải Linda không ? ) 15. Is that Nam ? v ( kia có phải Nam không ? ) 16.what colour is it ?(Nó màu gì?) 17.what colour are they ? (chúng màu gì ?) 18. what colour is your pen ? (bút của bạn màu gì)- 19. what colour are your rulers ? - (nâu) (Những cái thước của bạn màu gì) 20.May I come in ? (Tôi có thể vào không ? ) yes 21.May I go out ? (Tôi có thể ra ngoài không ? ) No 22. Is your school big ?(Trường của bạn to không?) 23. Are they your friends ? (Họ là những người bạn của bạn phải không? ) 24. what do you do at breaktime? - . (Bạn làm gì giờ ra chơi ? ) 25. Do you like hide and seek? - . (Bạn có thích trò trốn tìm không ? ) 26. Nice to meet you ( Rất vui được gặp bạn ) . . 27. Goodbye (tạm biệt ) 1 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  2. I ) Nối ( matching) A - B 1.Sit down please. a) 2. Stand up please h) 3.May I come in? b) 4. May I go out? i) 5. no you can’t c) 6. = yes you can j) 7. May I speak ? d) 8. May I write ? k) n) 9.Open your book please 10.Close your book please l) 11. May I ask a question? q) 12. come here 13.read aloud p) r) 14. Don’t talk s) II)Fill in (Điền từ thích hợp) 1. Stand ___ please 5. ___I speak ? 2. Sit___ please 6. May ___ write? 3.May I ___ out ? 7. Yes you ___ 4.May I ___in ? 8. No ___ ___ 9.May I ___ a question ? 10. ___you can 11.May I ___ aloud ? 12. ___ you can’t. III) Nối A B 1.hello a) My name is Lan 2.How are you ? b) Hi 3.What’s your name ? c) I am fine , thank you 5.How old are you ? d) It is pink 6.what colour is it ? e) Yes you can 7.May I come in ? V f) I am seven years old 8.May I go out ? X g) Nice to meet you too. 9. Nice to meet you h) No, it isn’t. It’s small. 10. Goodbye i) No , you can’t 11. Is your school big? j) Bye, see you later 12. what is this? k) They are my books 13. what are these? l) It’s a pencil case. 14. what colour is your pen? m) They are red 15. what colour are your books? n) It’s blue 16. what do you do at breaktime? o) Yes they are 17. Do you like skipping? p) Yes I do 18.Are they your friends ? q) I play chess 19. what class are you in? r) It’s Que Nham primary school. 20. what is the name of your school? s) I’m in class 3A IV) Sắp xếp 0. / how / you /are -How are you? 1. am/ I/ fine/ you/thank - 2.you/ are/ how/today /? - 2 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  3. 3. name/ what/ is/your/? 4.name/ my/ Minh/ is 5.old/ are / you/ How/? . 6. years/ ten/ old/ am /I . 7.it/ is/ what/ colour? 8.pink/ is/ it 9.spell/ how/ do/ your/you/?/ name 10.it / P-E-T-E-R / is 11.to/ Nice/ meet/ you 12.too/ Nice/ you/to/meet 13 is/ that/ who/? . 14. it/ Tony / is . 15. Quan/ that / Is /? 16. no/ isn’t/ It 17. your / classroom /big / Is /? . 18. is/ it / yes 19 . my / notebook / is/ That . 20. my/ pens/ are/ those/ . 21 . my / rubber/ is/ This. 22. my/ pencils/ are/ these/ . 23.do/you/ what/at/what/breaktime ? 24.play/hide /seek/and/I 25.like/ Do/ you/blindman’s /bluff ? 26. I/do/yes 27. your/ books/ are/ colour/ what/? . 28. your/ school bag/ is/ colour/ what/? . Bài 4. 1. Who is that ? -It Mai. A. are B. am C. is 2. Are they your . yes they are A. name B. friend C. friends 3. Sit , please. A. up B. down C. to 4. Stand , please. A. up B. down C. to 5. This my school. It’s small. A. are B. am C. is 6. my school library. It’s big. A. This is B. He is C. She is 7. my book. It’s small. A. That is B. He is C. She is 8. What__ the name of your school? -It’s Thang Long primary School. A. is B. are C. am 9. Is the gym large ? - No, . A. it isn’t B. he isn’t C.It is 10.Do you like ___hide and seek? - No I don’t . A. play B. plays C. playing 11. Is your school small ? –No, it It’s big A. isn’t B. is C. aren’t 12. Close your book, . A. thanks B. please C. down 13. Open book, please. A. its B. your C. out 14. May I go ? A. out B. in C. to 15. May I come ? A. out B. in C. to 16. What do you do ___breaktime? - I play chess. A. in B. out C. at 17. I come in? - yes you can A. How B. May C. Am 5. Trả lời câu hỏi: 1. what colour is your book? – it’s ( đen ) 2. what colour are your pens? – they are ( trắng ) 3. what is your pencil? - ( đỏ ) 4. what colour your rulers? - ( vàng ) 5. - . colour is your rubber ? - ( tím) 3 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  4. 6. what colour . Your schoolbags? - ( hồng) 7 - .colour is your pencil case ? - (xanh lá cây) 8. what colour your desks ? - ( nâu ) 1.pen : a) 2.pencil: h) 3.book: b) 4.note book : 5.ruler : i) c) 6.eraser = rubber: 7.board j) d) 8.chair: k) 9.chalk: 10.desk l) e) 11.pencil case = penbox 12.pencil sharpener: f) m) 13.school bag= bag: 14.table: n) g) Matching( nối) II) Matching ( Nối số với chữ) A B two One eight six four seven 10 1 8 2 7 nine three 6 five e 4 5 9 3 ten III) Matching ( Nối số với chữ) A B Điền từ vào ô trống 1. how old are you? eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 18 20 - I am years old (7) 8 2. . old are they? fifteen 19 -they are years old (10) 3. how is she ? 14 16 17 11 sixteen -she years old (9) 4. how old he? seventeen 12 - is years old (5) 5. how old is Peter? nineteen twenty eighteen 13 15 - He . six .old 2.Nối ( Match) a-black 1.đỏ a-black b-blue 2.trắng b-blue c-white 3.hồng c- . trắng d- red 4. tím d- đỏ e-colour 5.vàng e-colour f-green 6.cam f-green g-grey 7.nâu g- xám h-purple 8.mầu h-purple i-orange 9.Xám i-orange . j-pink 10.xanh da trời j- hồng k-yellow 11.xanh lá cây k-yellow l- brown 12.đen l- brown . m-what colour 13.màu gì m- Màu gì 3. Trả lời câu hỏi: 1. what colour is it? – it’s ( đen ) 4 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  5. 2. what colour is it? - ( trắng ) 3. what is it? - ( đỏ ) 4. what colour it? - ( vàng ) 5. - . colour is it? - ( tím) 6. what colour is it? - ( hồng) 7 - .colour is it? - (xanh lá cây) 8. what colour is ? - ( nâu ) IV) Sắp xếp 0. / how / you /are -How are you? 1. am/ I/ fine/ you/thank - 2.you/ are/ how/today /? - 3. name/ what/ is/your/? 4.name/ my/ Minh/ is 5.old/ are / you/ How/? . 6. years/ ten/ old/ am /I . 7.it/ is/ what/ colour? 8.pink/ is/ it 9.spell/ how/ do/ your/you/?/ name 10.it / P-E-T-E-R / is 11.to/ Nice/ meet/ you 12.too/ Nice/ you/to/meet 13 is/ that/ who/? . 14. it/ Tony / is . 15. Quan/ that / Is /? 16. no/ isn’t/ It Review 1 ( Ôn tập) 1.Nối ( Match) A - B 1.he a) ai 2.she b) cô ấy 3.is c) người bạn 4.who d)của bạn 5.friend e)là 6. your f) anh ấy 7.father g) mẹ 8.mother h) chị em gái 9.brother i) bố 10.sister j) anh,em trai 11.grandfather m)bà 12grandmother l) ông 13.uncle n)cô,dì 14.baby p)chú,bác 15.aunt k)anh,em họ 16.cousins r) em bé I) Matching( nối) II) Matching ( Nối số với chữ) A B 5 Luc Van Chinh two class 3
  6. a-one 3 b-two 5 six c-three 7 eight d- four 9 e-five 2 1 7 f-six 1 four g-seven 6 h-eight 8 8 i-nine 10 one 5 9 j-ten 20 k-eleven 17 2 l- twelve 4 3 nine m- thirteen 19 10 n- fourteen 18 4 o-fifteen 14 three p-sixteen 15 6 q-seventeen 12 e ten r-eighteen 0 s-nineteen 11 five t-twenty Số seven v- number 13 w- zero(oh) 16 Bài 1. nối A B a-black 1.đỏ a-black b-blue 2.trắng b-blue c-white 3.hồng c- . trắng d- red 4. tím d- đỏ e-colour 5.vàng e-colour f-green 6.cam f-green g-grey 7.nâu g- xám h-purple 8.mầu h-purple i-orange 9.Xám i-orange . j-pink 10.xanh da trời j- hồng k-yellow 11.xanh lá cây k-yellow l- brown 12.đen l- brown . m-what colour 13.màu gì m- Màu gì II) Match : A - B 1. Room: a) căn hộ 2. House: b) phòng tắm 3. Flat: c) phòng 4. Bedroom d) nhà 5. Bathroom: e)phòng bếp 6. Kitchen: f) phòng ngủ 7. Diningroom: g) phòng khách 8. Livingroom: h) phòng ăn 9. Garden: i) hàng rào 10.Yard: j) vườn 11.Gate: m) sân 24 Fence: l) cổng I ) Nối ( matching) A - B 6 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  7. 1.Sit down please. a) 2. Raise your hand b) 3. Put your hand down c) 4. Stand up please d) 5.Open your book please e) 6.Close your book please f) 7.May I come in? g) 8. May I go out? h) i) 9.Go to the board please j) 10.Look at the board II)Answer : 1.what pet is this? - It’s a ___ 2.what pets are these? - They are ___and ___ 3.what pet is that? - It’s a ___ 4.___? - It’s a ___ 5. What pets are those? - ___ Con vật nuôi ( pets) I ) Nối ( matching) A - B 7 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  8. 1.parrot 2.pig k) a) 3.cow 4.pets l) b) 5.dog n) c) 6.chicken 7.mouse m) d) 8.cat 9.horse 10.bird p) e) 11.hen 12.fish j) f) 13.goldfish 14.duck k) g) 15.goat. 16.rabbit q) h) 17.snake. 18.bee r) s) 19. frog 20. bufflo s. 1 : c 2: ___ 3: ___ 4. ___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ 11___ 12___ 13___ 14___ 15___ 16___ 17 ___ 1.What pet do you like? I like ___ Bài 2. 1 What’s your ? - My name is Nam. A. name B. friend C. later 2 is your name? -My name is Peter. A. What B. How C. Who 3. What ? -My name is Alan. A. is her name B. is his name C. is your name 3a. What ? -his name is Peter. A. is her name B. is his name C. is your name 4. Who is she, Nam? -She is . A. Alan B. Peter C. Linda 5. Who is he, LiLi? -He is . A. Mai B. Peter C. Linda 6. is he, Nam? -He is Alan. A. What B. How C. Who 7. Who he, Mai? -He is Alan. A. are B. am C. is 8. is she, Mai? -She is LiLi. A. What B. Who C. How 9. Who is she? -She Mai. A. are B. am C. is 10. She is Lan. She is my . A. name B. friend C. school 11 Who is ? - he is Nam. A. he B. she C. you 12.Who is ? - she is my sister A. he B. she C. you 13.Who they - they my friends A. is B. are C.am 14.Who is she ? -she is my A. brother B. father C. mother 8 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  9. 15.Who is he ? -he is my A. mother B. grandfather C. grandmother 16.who are they ? -they are my A. mum B. dad C.friend d) friends 17. who is this ? This is my . a) mother b) father c) sister d) brother 18.who is .? she is my . a) sister b) mother c) friend d) grandma 19. who are they ? They are my . . a) mother b) friends c) dad d) friend 20.who is .? He is my a) sister b) mother c) friend d) grandfather 21. who is ? he is my . a) mother b) father c) baby d) sister 22.who are they ? are my a) sister b) family c)mother d) dad 23. who is he ? is my a) mother b) uncle c) sister d) mum 24.who is she? she is my . a) dad b) uncle c) grandpa d) aunt Bài 4. 24. Who is she? -She Mai. A. are B. am C. is 25. She is Lan. She is my . A. name B. friend C. school 27. Sit , please. A. up B. down C. to 28. Stand , please. A. up B. down C. to 29. This my school. It’s big. A. are B. am C. is 31. And my school library. It’s big. A. This is B. He is C. She is 32. my book. It’s small. A. That is B. He is C. She is 33. What’s name? -It’s Thang Long School. A. her B. his C. its 38. Is your ruler big? -No, . A. it isn’t B. he isn’t C. she isn’t 39.–what’s name? - It’s Sao Mai school. A. your B. its C. her 40. Is your school small ? –No, it . It’s big A. isn’t B. is C. aren’t 41. Close your book, . A. thanks B. please C. down 42. Open book, please. A. its B. your C. out 43. May I go ? A. out B. in C. to 44. May I come ?A. out B. in C. to 45. May I go out? - ___ A. please B. thanks C. yes you can 46. I come in? - No you can’t . A. How B. May C. Am Lesson 1.Activities 1.Newwords Điền chữ còn thiếu 9 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  10. 1- at breaktime : giờ ra chơi - . 1.brea__time : 2-sports: môn thể thao - 2.sp__rts 3-play football: đá bóng - . . 3.pl__y footb__ll 4-play badminton: chơi cầu lông- . 4. b__dminton 5-play basketball: chơi bóng rổ - 5. b__sketball 6-play table tennis : chơi bóng bàn - 6.t__ble tenn__s 7-play chess : chơi cờ - 7. ch__ss 8- games: trò chơi - . 8.g__mes 9-skipping = skip ropes : nhảy dây- . 9. s__ipping 10-hide and seek: trò trốn tìm- 10.h__de and se__k 11-blindman’s bluff: trò bịt mắt bắt dê- 11.bl__ndman’s bluff 12-skating : trò trượt ba tanh - . 12. sk__ting 13-like : thích - 13- L__ke 14-Let’s : nào chúng ta hãy - 14. L__t’s 15-different : khác nhau - 15. differ__nt 16-with : với - 16. w__th 17-or: hoặc, hay là - 17. o__ 18-find : tìm thấy - 18. f__nd 19-all : tất cả - 19 . a__l 2.Nối ( Match) A - B 1- at breaktime : Gạch bỏ 1 chữ thừa 2-sports: k) 1.breaktiume : a) 3-play football: l) Giờ ra chơi 2.spokrts 4-play badminton: 3.footuball 5-play basketball: b) 6-play table tennis : m) 4. badmintong c) Môn thể thao 7-play chess : 5. baisketball 8- games 6.thable tennis d) 9-skipping = skip ropes : p) 7. cheuss 8.hgames 10-hide and seek: 9. skippiung 11-blindman’s bluff: 10.hidet and seek 12-skating : q) e) 13-like o) : thích 11.blingdman’s bluff f) : trò chơi 14-Let’s : k) hoặc, hay là 12. skathing g) nào chúng ta hãy 15-different : 13- Likle 14. Clet’s h) khác nhau 16-with : 15. differentr i) tìm thấy 17-or: r) 16. wioth 17. org j ) : tất cả. 18-find : s) với 18. finde 19 . acll 19-all I)Answer the questions 1. what do you ___ at breaktime? – I ___ 2. what ___ you do at breaktime? – I ___ 3. what do you do at___? – I ___ 4. Do you like___? - Yes I ___ √ 5. Do you like___? – No I ___ × I). Point and talk.Chỉ và nói 10 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  11. 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ ___ __ 111 ___ ___ 10___ 1) Bạn làm gì giờ ra chơi? 6___ -What do you do at breaktime ? ___ -I play football. 5___ ___. 7___ 9___ 8___ ___ _ __ - II). Point and talk . Chỉ và nói 1 2___ 3___ 4___ ___ _ _ × 11 √ ___. 10___ √ 2) Bạn có thích giờ ra chơi? 5___× Do you like skipping at breaktime? ___ √ 9___ - yes ,I do √ × 6 _ - No ,I don’t × ___ √ 8 7___ × ___ ___ × √ *Dịch tiếng Anh :1.Bạn làm gì giờ ra chơi ? - . . .? 2.Tôi đá bóng . - 3.Bạn có thích chơi cờ không ? - . ? 4.Có tôi thích - 5. Nào chúng ta hãy bơi :- . . Answers: 1. -What do you do at breaktime? - 2.-What do they do at breaktime ? - 3.- Do you like skipping ? No, *Make questions: 1. - .? I play volleyball 2. - ? Yes I do. I like hide and seek * Sắp xếp thành câu : 1. you/ Do/ playing/? /like/ basketball/breaktime/at - Yes /do / I 2. you/do/what/do/? /breaktime/at - play/ I/ badminton 3 they/do/what/do/? /breaktime/at - play/ they/ volleyball 4. ropes/skip / Let’s 5. skate /Let’s . . 3. I like(play) football. 4.He likes(skip) ropes. 5.Let’s(play) 6. they like (play) basketball . 7.She (like) playing hide and seek. 11 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  12. I)Listen and circle the best anwer 1.A. What do you do at break time, Mai? I ___ a. play chess b. play football c. play badminton 2. B. And what about you, Phong? I ___ a. play basketball b. play football c. play badminton 3.A. Do you like badminton, Linda? Yes ___ a. I do b. I don’t c. I like 2. B. Do you like hide-and-seek, Tom? ___ I like basketball .OK. Let's play it now. a. yes I do b. no I don’t c. yes I like II) Listen and tick 1. a. □ b. □ 2. a. □ b. □ 3. a. □ b. □ III) Listen and fill in the blank Hide-and-seek Hide, (1) ., hide-and-seek. Let's (2) hide-and-seek. Where (3) Tony? (4) . is Mary? I can't (5) you all. IV) Listen and fill in the blank What do you do at break time? Break time. Break (1) . (time/times) I (7) .chess. I play chess. What do you do (2) . (at/on) break time? Break time. (3) . (break/breaks) time. I play(8) I play badminton. (4) (what/where) do you do at break time? I (9) table tennis. I play table tennis. Break time. Break time. What (5) (do/does) you do at break time? I play (10) . I play hide-and-seek. Break time. Break time. What do you (6) (do/does) at break time? V) Listen and number 12 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  13. a. □ b□ c)□ d)□ VI) Read and write are is time and play table Hello. My name (1)___ Nam. These (2)___ my friends, Quan, Mai, Linda, Tony and Phong. At break (3)___, we play different games and sports. Quan and I (4)___ chess. Mai and Phong play(5) ___ tennis. Linda (6)___Tony play badminton. 1.Quan and Nam play ___ 2.Mai and Phong play ___ 3.Linda and Tony play ___ VII) Read and write at or and with Hi. I am Phong. I am at school (1) my friends now. I like table tennis. (2) .break time, Nam and I play table tennis. Quan (3) Tony do not like table tennis. They like chess. Mai and Linda do not like chess (4) table tennis. They (5) badminton. 1.What do Phong and Nam like?-They like 2.What do Quan and Tony like? They 3.What do Mai and Linda like? 4. Do Mai and Linda like chess? 2.Nối ( Match) A - B 1- at breaktime : Gạch bỏ 1 chữ thừa 2-sports: k) 1.breaktiume : a) 3-play football: l) Giờ ra chơi 2.spokrts 4-play badminton: 3.footuball 5-play basketball: b) 6-play table tennis : m) 4. badmintong c) Môn thể thao 7-play chess : 5. baisketball 8- games 6.thable tennis d) 9-skipping = skip ropes : p) 7. cheuss 8.hgames 10-hide and seek: 9. skippiung 11-blindman’s bluff: 10.hidet and seek 12-skating : q) e) 13-like o) : thích 11.blingdman’s bluff f) : trò chơi 14-Let’s : k) hoặc, hay là 12. skathing g) nào chúng ta hãy 15-different : 13- Likle 14. Clet’s h) khác nhau 16-with : 15. differentr i) tìm thấy 17-or: r) 16. wioth 17. org j ) : tất cả. 18-find : s) với 18. finde 19 . acll 19-all 1. what do you do at___? – I ___ 2. Do you like___? - Yes I ___ √ II) Listen and fill in the blank 13 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  14. Hello. I'm (1) . Hello. (4) Nam. (7) , Linda. I’m from (2) . I’m (5) . Viet Nam. Hello, Nam. Nice to (3) you, Linda. (6) . to meet you, Nam. We’re (8) . III) Circle the best anwer 1.What’s date today? Is it the ___ of october a. first b. third c. fifth 2.What’s ___ today? Is it the first or is it the third ? a. day b. date c. week 3.What’s date today? it isn’t the first , it___ the third a. is b. isn’t c. is not 4.What’s date today? Is it the second of ___. a. November b. October c. December IV) Listen and fill in the blank January , February , (1) ___ Now it’s time to start. April , (2) ___ and June. Sing a (3) ___ tune. (4) ___ , August , September. Let’s (5)___ together. October, November and (6) ___ Remember , remember (7) ___ II) Listen and circle A , B or C Daddy , daddy , Can you (1) ___ a. dance b.swim c.run Yes I can Yes I (2) ___ a. can b. can’t c .can not I can swim Mummy , mummy Can you (3) ___ a. dance b.swim c.go Yes I can (4) ___ I can a. no b. yes c . do I can dance (5) ___ , baby a. daddy b. mummy c.baby Can you sing Yes I can yes I can I can (6) ___ a. sing b. dance c. Swim 12 2. 3. 4. 14 Luc Van Chinh class 3 5. 1
  15. 111 16 17 18 19 6. 15 1.What is this ? 7. It’s ___ 14 8. 22 20 9. 13 21. 23 24 25 26 27 2.What is that ? 38 It’s ___ 28. 29 37 39 40 36 41 30. 34. 33. 31 35. 32. 12 2. 4. 5. 3. 1 15 Luc Van Chinh class 3
  16. 111 16 18 6. 17 19 7. 15 3.What are these ? They are ___ 14 8. 11. 9. 12 10 13 12 2. 4. 5. 3. 1111 16 18 6. 17 19 7. 15 4.What are those ? They are ___ 14 8. 11. 9. 12 10 13 16 Luc Van Chinh class 3