Đề kiểm tra kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Năm học 2015-2016 (Có đáp án)

It is break time now. In the schoolyard, Phong is standing near a bench. Lucy is skating. Another girl, Mary is drawing a picture. Quan and May are dancing. Nga and Trang are singing an English song. All of them are happy.
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  1. Nguyen Hue Primary School TERM TEST I/ 2015- 2016 Class: 4 . Subject: English 4 Time: 40 minutes Full name: , December 2015. Marks: Listening Reading and Writing Speaking Total Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Remarks PART I – LISTENING (20’) Question 1: Listen and tick 0. A. B. C. 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. Question 2: Listen and match
  2. A. B. C. D. E. 0. Tom . Mai Phong Linda Nam Question 3: Listen and number A. B. C. D. Question 4: Listen and write 1. A: How often have you got Science? 3. A: What is your hobby? B: ___ a week. B: Playing ___ 2. A: How many books are there on the desk? 4. A: When’s your birthday? B: ___ books. B: It’s in ___ Question 5: Listen and colour PART II – READING and WRITING (15’) Question 6: Look and read. Put a tick (v) or cross (x) in the box. 0. Phong is tall and thin. 1. She’s from Japan. 2. Mai can’t draw. Phong is big. 3. Fred can play the piano. 4. There are six books in the picture.
  3. Question 7: Read and write the names suitable in each gap under the pictures. 0. Phong. . . It is break time now. In the schoolyard, Phong is standing near a bench. Lucy is skating. Another girl, Mary is drawing a picture. Quan and May are dancing. Nga and Trang are singing an English song. All of them are happy. Question 8: Look, read and write the words. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. My parents gave me a birthday cake on my last birthday 1. I like playing game. 2. They can play 3. She is reading an book. 4. Mai can very well. Question 9: Complete the paragraph bellow. six Where Music sixth week What Today is Monday. It is the (1) of December. I have got (2) lessons: Maths, Vietnamese, English, Geography, PE and (3) . Music is my favourite subject lesson. I like singing and dancing. I want to be a singer. (4) about you? What is your favourite lesson? Do you like Art? PART III – SPEAKING (5’) Match. Then ask and answer. (1pt)
  4. a. b. c. d. 0. A: What are they? 1. A: What’s the date today? B: They’re ___ B: It’s the ___ 3. A: What are they doing? 4. A: Where are they from? B: They’re ___ B: They’re from ___
  5. ANSWER KEYS PART I- LISTENING Question 1: Listen and tick. There is one example. Example. What can you do, Lee? I can sing Now listen and tick. One Two What class are you in? What’s the date today? I’m in class 4B It’s the eight of March Three Four Can you play football? When’s your birthday? Yes, I can It’s in October. Question 2: Listen and match. There is one example. Example. This is my friend Tom. He can ride a bike. Now listen and match the pictures. One. This is Nam. He can swim. Two: This is Phong. He can play the piano. Three: This is Linda. She can sing. Four: And this is Mai. She can dance. Question 3: Listen and number. In my house, there are two tables, two chairs. In my bedroom, there is a map on the wall. In the kitchen, there is a cupboard. Question 4: Listen and write One. Three. A: How often have you got Science? A: What is your hobby? B: Twice a week. B: Playing badminton. Two Four. . A: How many books are there on the desk? A: When’s your birthday? B: Eight books. B: It’s in August. Question 5: Listen and colour Man: What can you see in the picture?
  6. Girl: A schoolbag and a pencil. Man: Very good. Can you paint the pencil? Girl: Paint the pencil? Yes, I can. What colour do you want? Man: How about blue? Girl: Blue? Yes. Ok Man: Can you paint the schoolbag red? Girl: Red? Ok. I’m painting it now. Man: Well done. Question 6: Look and read. Put a tick (v) or cross (x) in the box. 0.Phong is tall and thin. X 1. She’s from Japan. V 2. Mai can’t draw. X 3. Fred can play the piano. 4. There are six books in the picture. V X Question 7: Read and write one suitable word in each gap. 0.Phong 1. Quan and May 2.Mary 3. Lucy 4. Nga and Trang Question 8: Look, read and write the words. 1. My parents gave me a birthday cake on my last birthday 2. I like playing computer game.
  7. 3. They can play badminton. 4. She is reading an English book. 5. Mai can skip very well. Question 9: Complete the paragraph bellow. six Where Music sixth week What Today is Monday. It is the (1) sixth of December. I have got (2) six lessons: Maths, Vietnamese, English, Geography, PE and (3) Music. Music is my favourite subject lesson. I like singing and dancing. I want to be a singer. (4) What about you? What is your favourite lesson? Do you like Art? PART III – SPEAKING (5’) Match. Then ask and answer. (1pt) 1-b 2-c 3-d 4-a 1. A: What are they? 2. A: What’s the date today? B: They’re schoolbags B: It’s the second of October. 3. A: What are they doing? 4.A: Where are they from? B: They’re playing football. B: They’re from England.