Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Test 6 - Năm học 2023-2024

  1. Laura: How old is Peter?

Bob: He’s _____9_____ years old.

  1. Mary: Is your classroom ___here________?

Jack: Yes, it is.

  1. Linda: What’s that?

Tony: It’s a ____slide______.

  1. Teacher: What’s your name?

Pupil: My name’s ____Nga_______.

docx 4 trang Tú Anh 26/03/2024 440
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  1. Name: TEST6 Date: Saturday, April 06, 2024 Class: 3A1 Mrs. Dung Phone: 01664.409.436 PART 1. LISTENING ( 20 minutes) Question 1. Listen and number. A. B. C. D. Question 2. Listen and write T (True) or F (False) as examples. 1. Look at this girl. Her name is Lan. T 2. Good bye. See you later. F 3. This is my Art room. 4. He’s my teacher. 5. - May I come in? - Yes, please. 6. Let’s play chess. Question 3. Listen and draw the line. There is an example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question 4. Listen and tick. 1. Laura: How old are you?
  2. Jimmy. B. A. C. 2. Lilly: What’s that? John A . B. C. 3. Mary: Which is your pencil? Peter. A. B. C. 4. Jane: Have a break. Tom. A C. B. Question 5. Listen and complete. 1. Laura: How old is Peter? Bob: He’s ___9___ years old. 2. Mary: Is your classroom ___here___? Jack: Yes, it is. 3. Linda: What’s that? Tony: It’s a ___slide___. 4. Teacher: What’s your name? Pupil: My name’s ___Nga___. PART II. READING AND WRITING (15 minutes) Question 6. Look and read. Put a tick ( ) or cross (X) in the box. 1. This is pen. 2. This is a pencil X 3. This is a desk. 4. We are in the classroom. 5. My ruler is long.
  3. 6. The answer is six. Question 7. Look and read. Write Yes or No as example: This is Peter. Yes 1. Peter is a boy. ___ 2. He’s nine years old. ___ 3. He’s short. ___ 4. He’s in the Music room. ___ Question 8. Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. npe p e n Example: 1. rbeubr _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. arnyoc _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. oadrb _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. ribylar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Question 9. Choose a word from the box and write it next to numbers from 1-4. My new school Hello. My name’s Hoa. I’m a pupil. This is my new (0) school. It’s big. I’m in (1) ___ 3A. It’s big. We draw in the (2) ___ and study Computer in the (3)___. At break we play in the (4) ___. I’m happy in my new school.
  4. school playground Art room Computer room classroom Music room PART III SPEAKING (5’) Question 10. 1. Listen and repeat 2. Point, ask and answer 3. Listen and comment 4. Interview